Stan Zemanek

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Stan Zemanek (born in 1947) is an Australian radio broadcaster. who presented a popular night time show on 2UE Sydney, which is networked across parts of Australia via Southern Cross. He is known for his forthright, generally right wing views and for trading abusive remarks with some of his callers.

 The cover of Zemanek's autobiography
The cover of Zemanek's autobiography

He is also the 13th, and longest serving Beast on the popular panel TV show, Beauty and the Beast.


[edit] Career

Stan Zemanek started his broadcasting career in 1987. He moved to Melbourne for a short stint with 3AW's drive program in 2002 before coming back to Sydney and 2UE in 2003, having failed to garner ratings and publicly falling out with several members of the 3AW's broadcast team. Stan is married to Marcella and has two married daughters, Gaby and Melissa, and a Grandson, Hamish.

While popular with much of his audience, Stan often boasts about being the most complained about broadcaster in the country, polarising opinions of those who don't agree with his right-wing beliefs. He is not shy to admit that he is politically biased and often criticizes "idiot Labor voters" for not doing the same. His most commonly used terms are 'numb nuts', 'half-wit', 'left-wing looney', 'give yourself an uppercut' and 'typical Labor voter' and asks a caller who sounds to be a little slow 'are you smoking the wacky-tobaccy' a slang reference to marijuana.

Zemanek has been diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme, which is an aggressive brain tumour that is usually lethal within a few years. He has had surgery, and is currently undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy. He has lost a lot of weight and all of his hair.

Rumours are rife that Zemanek will not return to host his 2UE program in 2007, however, there are a number of radio presenters who are currently negotiating and/or renewing their contracts for 2007 and beyond, and this rumour should not be taken seriously. Unfortunately, a news item appearing on the radio industry newsletter site, Radioinfo [], says that four of 2UE's presenters are to have their pay cut - by as much as 50% - for 2007, a decision made by Tony Bell, CEO of Southern Cross Broadcasting. Zemanek is one of those named for a pay cut. Zemanek also made a mention in a roundabout way on his 2UE program on Monday night November 20th 2006, stating that he "would love to walk out of this place", presumably referring to his upcoming pay cut.

On Saturday the 9th of December 2006, it was announced that Stan Zemanek was going to retire from radio broadcasting, so that he could look after his health and spend more time with his family. His final show went to air on Friday, 22nd December 2006.

Those in the radio industry have paid tribute to Zemanek on-air have been his former on-air colleagues and now rivals (on 2GB), Jason Morrison, Alan Jones and Ray Hadley.

Zemanek has had an ongoing rivalry with 2UE breakfast Mike Carlton, ever since he revealed on-air that Zemanek was about to move to 2GB. An angry Zemanek called for Carlton to be sacked and investigated by the Australian Broadcasting Authority for "irresponsible journalism". The "debate" between the two broadcasters degenerated over the next few days, with Carlton calling Zemanek "a little shit", "a village idiot" and "a stunted runt" and Zemanek calling Carlton a "a turd" and "a ponce" with "his head up his backside".[1]

On Friday, 22 December 2006, Zemanek presented his final radio show on Sydney's 2UE.

[edit] Quotes

(To Callers)

  • "Go have another drink, you moron"
  • "You're drunk darling, you're drunk"
  • Caller: "What?"

Stan: No, no, Don't say 'What?', say 'I beg your pardon?'

"Caller: Okay, sorry (sarcastically) I beg your pardon?"

  • "Now I'm sure Lithgow is a warm, fun loving place, I know it is... it's just a few idiots who have called tonight"
  • "That's nonsense, that is absolute rubbish"
  • "Firstly, you're a halfwit. Secondly, you're a halfwit"

  • stan; "Im going to hang up on you the next time you say some thing stupid!"
  • caller; "Sta..........."
  • stan; "sorry, time's up"

[edit] References

[edit] External links