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A stagehand is a person who works backstage on a theatrical performance. Their duties include setting up the scenery, lights, sound, and props for a production.


[edit] Types of stagehand

[edit] General

Stagehands are generally employed on a show-by-show basis, they are not necessarily connected to a particular theater. Often, they are union members. Many stagehands are on a path to become a designer or director.

[edit] Challenges

Stagehands are required to work in very warm environments which are usually very small. Hours for a stagehand can start in the early morning and can end late at night. The very physical jobs also have a high risk of injury and fatigue. In some smaller productions, stagehands are not all paid, many are volunteers or unpaid interns. Employment can be intermittent and does not always pay well.

[edit] Touring Stagehands

Some shows do not stay in one particular theater, but rather circulate through many theaters. These shows usually travel with one or two hands for each department and use local stagehands from the area where the show is performing if needed.

[edit] See also

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