Stadium anthem

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Stadium anthems or sports anthems are a musical genre identifying songs that are played over the public address systems at stadiums and arenas during breaks in the action to rally the fans. Unlike college fight songs, stadium anthems were not written for use at sports events.

Stadium anthems are characterized by a catchy up tempo rhythm and a repeated vocal catchphrase, often a statement of pride or arrogance. Most stadium anthems are drawn from popular rock and roll or rap hits. Others are drawn from familiar movie scores, particularly elements of the Star Wars and Jaws soundtracks.

Some stadium anthems are popular in a particular region, or with a specific team because of a reference in the song's lyrics. The Stormers run onto the pitch with Will Smith's Men In Black playing, because of their all black kit. The Dallas Cowboys made heavy use of "Should've Been a Cowboy" by Toby Keith in the 1990s, while sports teams in Alabama often use "Sweet Home Alabama" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. (The University of Alabama marching band often plays Deacon Blues by Steely Dan due to the school's mention in its lyrics as one of "the winners in the world.")

At college football games, the schools' marching bands often add stadium anthems to their repertoires.

In baseball many stadium anthems are used as entrance music for various ballplayers. For example, AC/DC's "Hell's Bells" is the entrance music for Trevor Hoffman.

Some of the more popular stadium anthems include: