Stachys officinalis
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common name; Betony.
- (a member of the Mint family)
[edit] Description
Perrenial, to 70cm tall. Leaves stalked, narrowly oval, with heartshaped base,toothed. Calyx 5-7mm long, with 5 teeth, edged with bristles. Corolla 1-1.5cm long. Upper lip flat, almost straight when seen from the side. Anthers sticking straight out.
Flowering season July-September.
Habitat dry grassland, meadows, open woods.
Distribution most of Europe; W. Asia; N Africa. Common in England & Wales; rarer in Ireland & N.Scotland.
[edit] Reference
Wildflowers of Britain & Europe. Collins Nature Guides 1994. Lippert, W. & Podlech, D.