Portal:Star Trek

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Star Trek WikiPortal

Star Trek is a fictional science fiction/fantasy universe created by Gene Roddenberry in the early-1960s. The term Star Trek collectively refers to six science fiction/fantasy television series spanning 726 episodes, ten motion pictures and hundreds of novels. As well, there are Star Trek table-top role-playing games, trading card games, console and computer video games, action figures and model kit spaceships, and other works of fiction. All of these fictional works and games are set within the same fictional universe created by Gene Roddenberry between the early1960s and the early 2000s. This universe depicts an optimistic future in which humankind has overcome sickness, racism, poverty, intolerance, and warfare on Earth. The central characters explore the galaxy, finding new worlds and meeting new civilizations, while helping to promote peace and understanding. Star Trek is one of the most popular names in science fiction entertainment, and it is one of the most popular franchises in television history.


Monthly Featured article

Portal:Star Trek/Featured article April 2007


Did you know

  • ...that in the 'Star Trek universe', the first real step towards preventing global warming will take place in 2063, according to the events of "Carpenter Street"?
  • ...that dilithium (which controls a matter/antimatter reaction) can be replenished by radiation similar to that created by nuclear reactors?

Featured Quote

Sparing your helpless enemy who surely would have destroyed you, you demonstrated the advanced trait of mercy, something we hardly expected.
We feel that there may be hope for your kind. Therefore you will not be destroyed. It would not be civilized.

The Metron, Arena, stardate 3046.2.

more quotes at Star Trek Quotes as well as [1].


Featured Character

Portal:Star Trek/Featured character April 2007


Featured Race

Portal:Star Trek/Featured race April 2007



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Topic News

  • The composer and writer of Where my heart will take me, the opening theme music to Star Trek: Enterprise, Diane Warren received The Crystal Award for her work on that particular song by the organization of Women in Film.


The Star Trek franchise can be divided up into multiple categories, listed here.


Recommended Articles

Don't know your Terran Empire from your United Federation of Planets? Here are some of the finer pages about Star Trek on Wikipedia;
  • The Inner Light is a famous episode of Star Trek:The Next Generation detailing the attempts of a dying planet to preserve something of its culture. Hundreds of years later, after that planet's Extinction Level Event, the USS Enterprise discovers a probe in space. Their attempt to interface with it results in Picard being hit by an energy beam and entering a coma while the probe uploads. Read More...
  • LCARS, standing for Library Computer Access and Retrieval System is the name of the computer information system on board Federation starships and space stations. LCARS can interface with Tricorders and PADD systems for easy access and upload/download facilities. Despite this, most research is done at stations, usually on the bridge or in quarters. Read More...



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Other portals

TV series

Original Series  · Episode list
Animated Series  · Episode list
Next Generation  · Episode list
Deep Space Nine  · Episode list
Voyager  · Episode list
Enterprise  · Episode list


The Motion Picture
II: Wrath of Khan
III: Search for Spock
IV: Voyage Home
V: Final Frontier
VI: Undiscovered Country

First Contact


United Federation of Planets  · Romulans  · Klingons  · Tholians
Gorn · Q  · Ferengi  · Borg  · Kazon
Cardassians  · Bajorans  · Hirogen  · Dominion  · Breen  · Xindi  · Vulcans


Timeline  · Telepathy  · Physics
Starships classes  · Further reading

Expanded universe

Novels  · Other storylines  · CCG  · RPG  · SFU  · TOS TrekMUSE  · Fan productions and series

Cultural influence

Society and Star Trek  · Trekkies

Regular characters on Star Trek
 The Original Series  Kirk | Spock | McCoy | Scott | Uhura | Sulu | Chekov
 The Next Generation  Picard | Riker | Data | La Forge | Worf | B. Crusher | Troi | W. Crusher | Yar | Pulaski | Q
 Deep Space Nine  B. Sisko | Kira | J. Dax | Odo | Bashir | O'Brien | Worf | J. Sisko | Quark | Rom | Nog | E. Dax | Garak | Martok | Damar | Dukat | Weyoun | Winn
 Voyager  Janeway | Chakotay | Tuvok | Paris | Torres | Kim | EMH | Neelix | Seven | Kes
 Enterprise  Archer | T'Pol | Tucker | Reed | Phlox | Sato | Mayweather