St. Louis Post-Dispatch

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The January 3, 2007 front page
of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Type Daily newspaper
Format Broadsheet

Owner Lee Enterprises
Publisher Kevin Mowbray
Editor Arnie Robbins
Founded December 12, 1878
Headquarters 900 N. Tucker Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63101
Flag of United States United States
Circulation 277,842 Daily
423,291 Sunday[1]


The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, commonly referred to as the Post-Dispatch or the Post and sometimes abbreviated as the P-D, is the only major city-wide newspaper in St. Louis, Missouri. Although written to serve the St. Louis metropolitan area, the Post-Dispatch is available and read as far west as Springfield, Missouri. With a Sunday circulation of 423,291,[1] the Post-Dispatch is one of the largest newspapers in the region.


[edit] History

[edit] The Post-Dispatch is founded

The newspaper was founded by the 1878 merger of the St. Louis Evening Post and St. Louis Dispatch by owner and editor Joseph Pulitzer. Its first edition, 4020 copies of four pages each, appeared on December 12, 1878. The paper was called the St. Louis Post and Dispatch, but its name was changed to the current title the following year. Upon his retirement in 1907, Pulitzer wrote what is now referred to as the paper's platform:

"I know that my retirement will make no difference in its cardinal principles, that it will always fight for progress and reform, never tolerate injustice or corruption, always fight demagogues of all parties, never belong to any party, always oppose privileged classes and public plunderers, never lack sympathy with the poor, always remain devoted to the public welfare, never be satisfied with merely printing news, always be drastically independent, never be afraid to attack wrong, whether by predatory plutocracy or predatory poverty."

[edit] After Joseph Pulitzer

After his retirement, generations of Pulitzers guided the newspaper. After great-grandson Joseph Pulitzer IV left the company in 1995, his uncle Michael Pulitzer remained chairman of a company to which the Post-Dispatch became less central.

[edit] 125th anniversary

On January 13, 2004, the Post-Dispatch published a 125th anniversary edition, which included some highlights of the paper's 125th years:

[edit] Sale to Lee Enterprises

On January 31, 2005, Michael Pulitzer announced the sale of Pulitzer, Inc. and all its assets, including the Post-Dispatch and a small share of the St. Louis Cardinals, to Lee Enterprises of Davenport, Iowa, for $1.46 billion. He announced that no family members would serve on the board of the merged company.

[edit] The Post-Dispatch Today

The Post-Dispatch underwent a major redesigning in September 2006. The redesiging brought a new layout, new fonts, and localized editions for St. Charles County and Illinois.

[edit] The Weatherbird

Since February 11, 1901, the paper's front page has featured the Weatherbird, a cartoon bird accompanying the daily weather forecast. Each day, Weatherbird is posed and attired to reflect one of the headlines. In the 1920s, Louis Armstrong twice recorded ragtime duets named after it.

[edit] Editorial tone

While some claim that the paper maintains a moderate editorial tone, others believe that the paper has a definite liberal slant. The Post-Dispatch generally endorses more Democratic than Republican candidates for office and has taken editorial positions in support of liberal causes such as abortion rights and abolition of capital punishment. For many years, the Post-Dispatch's only major competitor was the more conservative St. Louis Globe-Democrat, which went out of business in 1986. The St. Louis Sun made a brief appearance as a daily newspaper in late 1989 and early 1990 but ceased publication after only seven months.

[edit] Controversy

In 2005, Post-Dispatch reporter Carolyn Tuft wrote a series of investigative reports on the finances of televangelist Joyce Meyer. The Post-Dispatch soon retracted the stories and issued an apology, saying two of the stories were inaccurate. Tuft was suspended for two days, though both she and her colleagues stood by her reporting. Tuft has been defended by the St. Louis Newspaper Guild, which accused the Post-Dispatch of a "breach of ethics." The Guild charged that the Post-Dispatch ran the apology and suspended Tuft in order to avoid litigation from Joyce Meyer's ministry.

[edit] Suburban Journals

The Post-Dispatch also publishes the Suburban Journals, a weekly newspaper with different editions for different sections of the St. Louis area (i.e. Kirkwood-Webster Journal, South City Journal, etc.). They are normally received every Wednesday, and are distributed free to homes with a subscription to the Post-Dispatch.

[edit] Further reading

  • Jim McWilliams, Mark Twain in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1874-1891 (Troy, NY: Whitston Publishing Company, 1997).
  • Daniel W. Pfaff, Joseph Pulitzer II and the Post-Dispatch: A Newspaperman's Life (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1991).
  • Julian S. Rammelkamp, Pulitzer's Post-Dispatch, 1878-1883 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1967).
  • Florence Rebekah Beatty Brown, The Negro as Portrayed by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch from 1920-1950 (c. 1951).
  • Charles G. Ross and Carlos F. Hurd, The Story of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch (St. Louis: Pulitzer Publishing, 1944).
  • The St. Louis Post-Dispatch as Appraised by Ten Distinguished Americans (St. Louis, 1926).
  • Orrick Johns, Time of Our Lives: The Story of My Father and Myself, (New York, 1937). George Sibley Johns, father of the author, was editor of the Post-Dispatch for many years, and was the last of Joseph Pulitzer's "Fighting Editors". The book contains many accounts of the beginning days of newspapers in St. Charles and St. Louis, as well as accounts of George's experiences with Joseph Pulizer and the Post-Dispatch.

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b 2006 Top 100 Daily Newspapers in the U.S. by Circulation (PDF). BurrellesLuce (2006-03-31). Retrieved on 2007-03-07.

[edit] External links