St. Joseph's College, Colombo

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St. Joseph's College is a leading Catholic educational institution in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Established in 1896 by French missionaries, the college currently has over 4000 students with a staff of over 200. Distinguished former students include Cardinal Thomas Cooray and President Ranasinghe Premadasa


[edit] History

The College was opened on March 2, 1896 with 211 boys in the College proper and 96 in the Preparatory school. As the building was unfinished at the time, only one half of it was open to students, and for some time the voices of pupils and masters mingled with the incessant clang of hammers. To this inconvenience was added another which was more keenly felt. Masters and pupils were strangers. All sorts and conditions of boys had flocked together from almost every school in the Island, and it required 'no little tack, care, and patience' to weld these diverse elements into a homogeneous whole, but before this could have been accomplished, some unsuitable boys left of their own accord, a few were expelled, their places were filled up, and in the words, of the Rector "a healthy tone began to reign in the College".

By November 1896 construction was completed at a cost of Rs.120,000, supplied one-half by the people's contribution, the other half by the donation of His Grace, Archbishop Melizan. On November 27, H. E. Mgr. Zaleski solemnly blessed the building which was formally opened on the following day by H. E. Sir Joseph West Ridgeway.

The school was not without its teething problems. Despite partial government funding a major share of the expenses had to be borne by the Church. The financial constraints were somewhat improved with the dawn of independence.

However a major setback was the government take over of missioinary schools in 1962, which led to the school being forced to function till the change of government till 1977, without levying fees. Undaunted the College continued helped by generous donations and scruplous financial management.

[edit] The Present College

Currently the school functions as an "assisted school" with substantial state funding. Situated in the heart of the City in a land previously owned by an Arabian Prince in exile, its impressive campus spans 12 acres and comprises a fully equipped Sports Complex and a swimming Pool.

[edit] Past Rectors

1 - Rev Fr. Charles Collin (1896 - 1910)
2 - Rev Fr Charles Lytton (1910 - 1912)
3 - Rev Fr Emil Nicholas (1912 - 1919)
4 - Rev Father Maurice Legoc (1919 - 1940)
5 - Rev Fr Peter Pillai (1940 - 1961)
6 - Rev Fr W.L.A.Don Peter (1961 - 1971)
7 - Rev Fr Mervyn Weerakkody (1971 - 1974)
8 - Rev Fr Quintus Fernando (1974 - 1979)
9 - Rev Fr Neville Emmanuel (1979 - 1983)
10- Rev Fr Stanley Abeysekara (1983 - 1996)
11- Rev Fr Victor Silva the great(1996 - 2005)

[edit] Current Rector

12- Rev Fr Sylvester Ranasinghe (2005 - )

[edit] References