St. George's College, Jamaica

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St. George's College is a secondary school (high school) in Kingston, Jamaica. It was founded on september 2 1850 by a group of 21 Spanish Jesuits who had been expelled from Colombia because of their religious faith. The Columbian Government gave them appromimately 9 hours to leave the country by any means necessary. After they failed to leave (because there was no form of transportation avaible) the government sternly extended their time to 48 hours. Within the 48 hour time a lone ship was leaving for Kingston, Jamaica which they boarded. There in that imminent time in history a prestigeous all-boys institution came into the horizon with core values: discipline, teamwork and respect. In the early years of the school's life was uncertain as it was closed several times in the first few decades of its existence, but the principal at that time bought the present property where the school still flourishes to this day.

Today however, the College, now includes girls into its sixth form programmme, beginning from september, 2005. In addition, a new era of tradition now seeps into the fabric of the school, where St. Geroge's College, boasts its first Headmistress, for 155 years. Today, St.George's College now, dons the title of, one of Jamaica's most prestigeous instiution; one that will surely continue to create both men and women for others and by extension, for the country's development. Thus far, such an aim has been and is continuously being realized.

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Prominent Alumni: Ronald Thawites Ziggy Marley Dennis Ziadie