St. Columba's High School

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St. Columba's High School is a Catholic high school on the border between Winmalee and Springwood, New South Wales. It is set in the grounds of the StColumbas property which has extensive bushland surrounding the school.The whole of the property is a listed Heritage site.

Originally built as a seminary in 1909, it was closed in 1977 and reopened as a high school in 1979 [1]. The monastic influence is evident in the neogothic sandstone architecture and the expansive grounds with scattered grottos and shrines overlooking the Blue Mountains World Heritage National Park. The St Columbas property is one of the largest landholdings in the Blue Mountains Local Government Area and much of it consists of pristine natural bushland which is rich in biodiversity with many threatened and endangered species and ecological communities and is also rich in aboriginal archeological sites(in excess of 80 sites).It was on this property that Fr. Eugene Stockton(Catholic Priest) first commenced his studies in aboriginal archeology.


[edit] Telescope

A feature of note is a radio telescope dish salvaged from the Paul Wild Observatory at Culgoora west of Narrabri in 1997 by an enthusiastic and apparently well connected former physics teacher, Ross Cutts. This is one of a heliograph array of 96, 13.7-m dishes that circled the present location of the Compact Array. The heliograph array imaged the Sun at 80 and 160 MHz with several discoveries to its credit before decomission [2].

[edit] List of principals

  • 1979 – 1984 Sr Anne Henson
  • 1984 – 1992 Mr Jim McCartan
  • 1992 – 1998 Mr Geoff Hicks
  • 1998 – 2001 Mr Alan Moran
  • 2001 – 2005 Dr Anne Wenham
  • 2005 – Mrs Delma Horan

[edit] References

[edit] See also