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Star Wars character

Position Jedi Master/Council Member
Homeworld Kashyyyk
Species Wookiee
Gender Male
Height 2.7 meters
Affiliation Jedi, Galactic Republic
Portrayed by None

Srotac was a Wookiee Jedi Councilor who served on the Yavin IV Jedi Council in the last days of the Republic and the new days of the Alliance in the SWG Universe known as the Eclipse Galaxy. Born on Kashyyyk and oprhaned at a young age, dwelling in the city of Kachiro for the first few years of his life; was then discovered by a Jedi Master named Tyvokka. Tyvokka brought a young Srotac back to Coruscant and eventually instructed him.

As a young Knight, Srotac felt the temptation to turn to the darkside more than ever and almost did turn. However, it was through his former Master's sacrfice in the Stark Hyperspace War that showed Srotac all life should be held sacred and to protect it is the most noble of deeds. Srotac had many Padawans such as Natus, Lonen, and his most recent one, Oceaniel. Srotac was fortunate enough to learn the Morichro force power at an early age, only a few years prior to Master Yaddle's disappearance. Srotac was appointed a seat on the High Council of Coruscant just a few galactic months after Anakin Skywalker's first introduction to the Jedi Council and sat on the Council until the Clone Wars started. At this point, Srotac was asked to leave for Yavin IV and begin an Academy in case the fears of the Council were to come to pass (The destruction of the Jedi Order and the Republic).

With the Council's fear coming to pass and the rise of the Empire, Srotac vowed to not let the remaining Jedi fall astray and die out. He and a few other Masters founded the new Light Jedi Order of Eclipse on Yavin IV and have since been instructing new Jedi and combating the Darkside of the force. Allied with the Rebel Alliance, Srotac had hoped his new Order can someday rise to become as great as the Old one that stood for thousands of years, but the forces of evil were to great. The Order was soon doomed to fail due to internal issues. The increasinging number of its members whom sought power and combatated the good-intended Council was created much distruaght in the Jedi Enclave, and turmoil in the Order.

The Order fell, and its members scattered throughout the galaxy. Some turned away from the light, others dead, and some still true to the old ways. Srotac now lives the rest of his days in the depths of the Kashyyyk shadow grounds near the home of the Katarn. He has long since fell from his days of training young Padawans. Though sometimes making an exception to train the young minds, he would only consider those who make the tiresome, fearful journey to his location. Many still consider him the strongest of the Jedi Lightsaber Wielders. In his record he has never lost a fight and has fought over 500 saber-wielding adversaries. Where Srotac will go now is not certain. He is no longer a true Jedi nor is he a dark Jedi, he is simply him. He follows no Order but the ideals of his own beliefs, and that, in and of itself, is good enough for him to live by.