Srđan Cvijić
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Srđan Cvijić LLB. MA. Ph.D. is an expert in the area of democratisation, public and international law and political analysis. As a freelance political analyst specialising in the area of South East Europe, he pubislished numerous articles for Italian, Hungarian, Serbian and Russian foreign policy reviews. He also worked for NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Brussels, where he was in charge of writing policy briefs, organising parliamentary diplomacy seminars related to the area of the Western Balkans. Mr Cvijic holds an undergraduate degree in Law from the University of Belgrade (Serbia), a M.A. in International Relations and European Studies from the Central European University (Budapest, Hungary) and a PhD from the Law Department of the European University Institute in Florence (Italy). Mr. Cvijic has published several academic articles and has held guest lectures at Bologna University [1] and Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies in Florence.
[edit] Publications
- Srdjan Cvijic, "Self-determination as a Challenge to the Legitimacy of Humanitarian Interventions: The Case of Kosovo", in 8 German Law Journal No. 1 (1 January 2007). [2]
- Srdjan Cvijic, "National History, Politics, National Identity and Difficulties of Reconciliation in ex-Yugoslavia", ASN European Conference 2006, 28th to 30th September 2006, ASN Conference on Globalization, Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict in the Balkans and its Regional Context. [3]
- Srdjan Cvijic, "Populisticki Bojkot", in Politika, 16.10.2006.[4]
- Srdjan Cvijic, "Serbia and Montenegro: Forging a Lasting Alliance",The Future of Serbia and Montenegro, Joint Dialogue, European Policy Center, KBF, Conflict Prevention Partnership, Brussels, 7. December 2005. [5]
- Srdjan Cvijic, "Lobi za Vojvodinu", Politika, 7. novembar 2005. [6]
- Srdjan Cvijic, Dusan Janjic, Nenad Djurdjevic, Danijela Nenadic, "Why is Decentralization Important for Kosovo status Talks?", White Paper, Kosovo:Decentralization as a Key to Future Status Negotiations, Special Semminar: Nato Parliamentary Assembly and the Italian Senate, 28. October 2005. [7][8]
- “Srdjan Cvijic, "Studije o Izbeglistvu", Open Borders (Unconditional hospitality) as the only way for the future development of the liberal-democratic society, Refugee Studies, Group 484, Belgrade, 2005. [9]
- Srdjan Cvijic, Lorenzo Zucca, “Does the European Constitution need Christian Values?”, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Volume 24, Number, 4, Winter 2004, pp. 739-748. [10] [11]
- Srdjan Cvijic, "Evropa za pocetnike", Danas, 16. decembar 2003. [12]
- Srdjan Cvijic, "Trinaest Puta Lenjin: Nova Knjiga Slavoja Žižeka", Danas, 4. October 2003. [13]
- Srdjan Cvijic, "Model ustavnog patriotizma: Socijalna država kao bitan deo izgradnje novog ustava Srbije", Danas, 11. avgust 2003. [14]
- Srdjan Cvijic, "Ponovo u Trst Po Cipele", Danas, 4. March 2003. [15]
- Srdjan Cvijic, "Pobeda Protiv Mira", Nin, 24. oktobar 2002. [16]
- Srdjan Cvijic, "Pobuna Bobosa", Nin, 14. November 2002. [17]
- Srdjan Cvijic, "Rat Protiv Sudija", Nin, 12 decembar 2002.[18]
- Srdjan Cvijic, “Giustizia internazionale vs. Sviluppo democratico”, in Stefano Bianchini (ed.), Guida ai Paesi dell’Europa centrale orientale e balcanica: anuario politico-economico, Il Mulino, 2002. (monografia). (“International Justice vs. Democratic Development”)
- Srdjan Cvijic, "Jugoszlávia halála", Élet És Irodalom, Budapest, 14. March 2002. [19]
- Srdjan Cvijic, "A pénz és a törvényesség vonzereje között ingadozva", Élet És Irodalom, Budapest, 29. June 2001. [20]
- Srdjan Cvijic, “Belgrado si sta adattando a perdere il Kosovo per salvare la Serbia”, in Macedonia/Albania le terre mobili: le strane guerriglie albanesi l’Italia si riscopre razzista verso l’Euroregione adriatica, Limes-Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica, No. 2, 2001, Gruppo Editoriale L’Espresso, p. 153-165. (“Belgrade is preparing itself to lose Kosovo in order to save Serbia”)
- Srdjan Cvijic, “Anatomia dela rivoluzuione Serba”, Balcani senza Milosevic, Limes-Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica, No. 5, 2000, Gruppo Editoriale l”Espresso, p. 135-227. (“Anatomy of the Serbian Revolution”)
[edit] Radio Contributions
- -Srdjan Cvijic, Radio Senza Frontiere, Puntata n. 9, Novaradio, 12. April 2006. [21]