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A spur is a metal instrument composed of a shank, neck, and prick, rowel (sharp-toothed wheel), or blunted end fastened to the heel of a cowboy's or horseman's boot for the purpose of goading the horse. It is usually used to refine the riding aids (commands) and to back up the natural aids (the leg, seat and voice aids).

Old working cowboy spurs made by Crockett.
Old working cowboy spurs made by Crockett.

The spur is used in every equestrian discipline. There are rules in most equestrian organizations about spur use and cruelty issues.


[edit] Etymology

The very old word derives from Anglo-Saxon sputa, spora, related to spornan, spurnan, to kick, spurn; cf. Medieval High German Sporn, modern German Sporn, Dutch spoor, Frisian spoar. Generalized sense of "anything that urges on, stimulus" is recorded in English from c.1390.

[edit] Disciplines

Spurs differ between the Western and English-style disciplines. Western spurs tend to have rowels and are designed to be used not by poking the horse, but by running the rowel across the horse's side. The spurs are usually longer, to accommodate the leg position of the Western-style rider, where the leg is held more off the side of the horse than in English-style.

English riding spur
English riding spur

English riders tend to use a spur that is shorter, as they merely need to turn their toe to activate the spur. Rowels are not as popular as a plain blunt end, although there are types that include a rowel-like end. The English spur should always be worn pointed downward, sitting on the boot's spur rest, with the buckle on the outside of the leg.

A dressage rider's spur tends to be blunt and shaped so as to give a signal but not cause pain for a horse. Its purpose is not to speed up a horse, but to give him accurate and precise aids in lateral movements or more complicated movements, such as airs above the ground. A hunter/jumper rider may use a flatter end, such as the Prince of Wales design.

No matter the discipline, it is important that a rider has a correct position before using spurs. A swinging or unstable leg may inadvertently jab the horse with the spur as the rider sits, irritating, distracting, frightening, or deadening the animal to the leg aids.

[edit] History

The spur's use cannot with certainty be traced further back than Roman times. Early spurs had no neck, a prick being riveted to the shank. Prick spurs had straight necks in the 11th century and bent ones in the 12th. The earliest form of the horseman's spur armed the heel with a single prick. In England the rowel spur is shown upon the first seal of Henry III, but it does not come into general use until the 14th century.

An iron prick-spur (13th-14th century) and an iron spur with eight-pointed rowel (15th century).
An iron prick-spur (13th-14th century) and an iron spur with eight-pointed rowel (15th century).

The spurs of medieval knights were gilt and those of esquires silvered. "To win his spurs" meant to gain knighthood, as gilded spurs were reckoned the badge of knighthood. In the rare cases of ceremonious degradation, they were hacked from the knights heels by the cooks chopper. After the battle of Courtrai in 1302 where the French chivalry suffered a humbling defeat, the victors hung up bushels of knights' gilt spurs in the churches of Kortrijk as trophies of what is still remembered by the Flemings as the Guldensporenslag (the battle of the golden spurs). For another reason the English named the French route beside Thérouanne as the Battle of Spurs.

In the 15th century, spurs appear with very long shanks, to reach the horse's flank below the outstanding bards. After this time, and until the beginning of the modern period of costume at the Stuart Restoration, they take many decorative forms, some of which remain in the great spurs worn by Mexican cavaliers.

[edit] Types of English-style Spur

Prince of Wales spurs.
Prince of Wales spurs.
Swan neck, with rowels
Swan neck, with rowels
Waterford spur
Waterford spur

Spurs are divided into Men's, Women's, and Children's, according to width (which must fit on the heel of the rider's boot). Spurs are further divided into length of the neck, with 1/4" being relatively small (and a common size in children's spurs), with some being 2-3" long.

  • Round end: end is rounder, making it one of the milder spurs
  • Knob end: end of the spur is square but blunt
  • Prince of Wales: has a flat end, making is slightly sharper and harsher. This is a popular spur.
  • Disc: the end has a small disk, which creates an edge and makes the spur harsher
  • Rowel: the end of the spur has a rowel which spins. This is the most common western-style spur, although it is seen on some English-style spurs.
  • Roller spur: end of the neck has a plastic "roller," which moves as the horse's side is touched. This spur tends to reduce spur-rubs on sensitive horses. It is considered very mild.
  • Swan-neck: the neck of the spur goes upward at an angle, before leveling off, looking similar to the neck of a swan. This is commonly seen in dressage.
  • Waterford: the end of the neck has a large, round metal ball, making the spur softer and less likely to cause spur rubs.
  • Le spur: has "teeth" on the inside, instead of a neck. The rider therefore does not have to turn in her heel.

[edit] Sources
