Spratly Island Skirmish (1988)

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Johnson Reef Skirmish (1988)
Date March 14, 1988
Location Johnson Reef
Result Chinese naval victory
Disputed between China and Vietnam
People's Liberation Army Navy Vietnam People's Navy
Chen Weiwen/陈伟文, CO 502 Nanchong Unknown Vietnamese commander
502 Nanchong / 南充 (Jiangnan Class/065), 556 Xiangtan / 湘潭 (Jianghu II Class/053H1), 531 Yingtan / 鹰潭 (Jiangdong Class/053K) HQ-505, HQ-604, HQ-605
6 killed, 18 injured HQ-505 sunk, HQ-604 sunk, 60 killed, 40 captured

The Johnson South Reef Skirmish of 1988 was a naval battle that took place between Chinese and Vietnamese forces over Johnson South Reef in the Spratly Islands on March 14, 1988. It has also been mistakenly referred to as the Battle of Fiery Cross Reef.


[edit] Background

The skirmish was sparked by Chinese activities on Johnson Reef in early January, 1988. On January 21, 1988, the Yibin arrived at the Spratly Islands. On January 31, 1988, PLAN troops were detected attempting to erect a oceanic observation station on Johnson South Reef and Vietnamese forces rushed into the area to prevent it from occurring. The observation station was the 74th station sanctioned under the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Fourteenth Session of the Assembly held in Paris between 17 March to 1 April 1987.

On February 22 and on March 5, PLA-N frigates Nanchong,Xiangtan and Yingtan was dispatched as reinforcements to the area.

[edit] Locations

Name (English) Name (Chinese) Name (Vietnamese) Latitude Longitude
Johnson South Reef Chigua Jiao / 赤瓜礁 Đá Gạc Ma 90 45' N 1140 18' E
Johnson North/Collins Reef Guihuan Jiao / 鬼喊礁 Đá Cô Lin 90 45' N 1140 14' E
Lansdowne Reef Qiong Jiao / 琼礁 Đá Len Đao 90 46' N 1140 22' E

[edit] Actual battle

On March 13, the Nanchong detected PAVN vessel HQ-604 heading towards Johnson South Reef, HQ-605 heading towards Lansdowne Reef and HQ-505 heading towards Collins Reef in a simultaneous three prong assault to on the disputed reefs.

On March 14, PLA-N forces lead by Yingtan arrived at Johnson South Reef and disembarked 25 naval infantry men and the Nanchong which were already onsite earlier disembarked a further 33 naval infantry men in support. The Xiangtan was also dispatched to Lansdowne Reef to counter the assault there.

The battle started in earnest early morning at 0730 hour on Johnson South Reef when Vietnamese troops attempted to erect the Vietnam flag in front of the Chinese infantry forces. Contemporary Chinese sources noted that PLA-N sailor Du Xianghou pulled down the flag and Vietnamese forces opened fired in response with HQ-604 in support. PLA-N forces and the Nanchong counter-attacked at 0847 hour and HQ-604 was set ablaze in the firefight and sunk.

A similar engagement was fought between the Yingtan and HQ-505 at Collins Reef which resulted in lost of the PAVN vessel.

At 0915 hour, the Xiangtan arrived at the Lansdowne reef and discovered 9 Vietnamese troops from HQ-605 have already landed. The Xiangtan immediately hailed the Vietnamese forces to demand their withdrawal from the reef and was met with Vietnamese fire in reply. A firefight ensured and the HQ-605 was heavily damaged and withdrew.

[edit] References

  • Kelly, Todd C. (1999). "Vietnamese Claims to the Truong Sa Archipelago". Explorations in Southeast Asian Studies 3
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