Spotted headstander

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[edit] Chilodus punctatus

Spotted Headstander (also known as Pearl Headstander)

The Spotted Headstander has a body that extends grayish and green colors over his body and sets off the colors with rows of brown specks.[1]

[edit] Class

Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)

[edit] Order

Characiformes (characins, hatchetfishes)

[edit] Family


[edit] Diet

Vegetables; small live foods (like Daphnia); and flake foods.

[edit] Temperament

At best they are kept as a group of three or four. These fish are peaceful community fish.

[edit] Water Conditions

The water should be reasonably soft and also slight acidy. The temperature of the water should be around 26°C (80°F).

[edit] Breeding

The parents should be removed after spawning among the roots of floating plants. The fish will lay around 200 eggs. Fry swim head-down from birth. They should be given brine shrimp as first food.

[edit] Distribution

North and South America.

[edit] Other Comments

This fish is named for its distinctive head-down swimming position (at 45°). The light should be kept subdued. Provide also places where it can shelter. These fish usually remain in the shade - emerging to feed.