Sponsorship of legislation by John Kerry

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John Kerry has sponsored or cosponsored hundreds of bills during his time as a Senator. Areas of concern in the bills include small business concerns, education, terrorism, veterans' and POW/MIA issues, and marine resource protection. A full list of Kerry's sponsored legislation is available on his Senate web site; see also the AFL-CIO web site for a selected list. Some detractors contend that Senator Kerry has exaggerated his role in the enactment of some legislation. [1] Supporters point out that Kerry has a collaborative style which often results in joint-sponsored legislation.

[edit] Sponsorship of Legislation

During his Senate career, Kerry has been primary sponsor of the following bills (excluding resolutions and amendments sponsored). This table does not count bills which Kerry has co-sponsored.

 Bills Sponsored
 Signed into law
1, 2
1, 2, 3

A chronological list of various bills and resolutions sponsored by Kerry follows.

  • A concurrent resolution condemning North Korea's support for terrorist activities. Measure passed Senate, amended. 100th Congress.
  • A resolution relating to declassification of Documents, Files, and other materials pertaining to POWs and MIAs. Agreed to without amendment. 100th Congress.
  • A bill to authorize appropriations to carry out the National Sea Grant College Program Act, and for other purposes. Signed by President.
  • A bill to amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to prohibit certain transactions with respect to managed accounts. Referred to committee. 102nd Congress.
  • A bill to authorize appropriations for the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 and to improve the program to reduce the incidental taking of marine mammals during the course of commercial fishing operations, and for other purposes. Became public law #103-238. 103rd Congress.
  • A bill to amend the Small Business Act to enhance the business development opportunities of small business concerns owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, and for other purposes. Referred to committee. 103rd Congress.
  • A bill to designate a portion of the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Rivers as a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. Passed without objection. 105th Congress.
  • A bill to amend the Small Business Act with respect to the women's business center program. Became Public Law #106-165. 106th Congress.
  • A bill to authorize the Small Business Administration to provide financial and business development assistance to military reservists' small businesses, and for other purposes. Referred to committee. 106th Congress.
  • A bill to amend the Small Business Act with respect to the microloan program, and for other purposes. Ordered to be Reported. 107th Congress.
  • A bill to reauthorize the Small Business Technology Transfer Program, and for other purposes. Became Public Law #107-50. 107th Congress.
  • A bill to provide assistance to small business concerns adversely impacted by the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001, and for other purposes. Referred to committee. 107th Congress.
  • A bill to provide emergency assistance to nonfarm-related small business concerns that have suffered substantial economic harm from drought. Referred to committee. 108th Congress.