Splendid isolation

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Splendid Isolation is the foreign policy pursued by Britain during the late 19th century, under the Conservative premierships of Benjamin Disraeli and The Marquess of Salisbury. The term was actually coined by a Canadian M.P. to praise Britain's lack of involvement in European affairs. There is much debate between historians regarding the question of whether it was intended; or whether Britain simply became a victim of its surroundings.


[edit] Background

During this period, Britain's primary goal in foreign policy was, to maintain the balance of power in Europe and to intervene should that balance be upset. Its secondary goal was to protect its overseas interest in the colonies and dominions, as free trade was what kept the Empire alive. The sea routes to the colonies, especially those linking Britain to India (the Suez Canal), were vital.

The policy of Splendid Isolation was characterised by a reluctance to enter into permanent European alliances or commitments with the other Great Powers and by an increase in the importance given to British colonies, protectorates and dependencies overseas. This occurred side by side with the development of informal empire through the use of sphere of influence and client states dominated by, but not directly governed by Britain.

[edit] Change

After the unification of Germany, Bismarck sought alliances with other European powers to prevent France's revenge. Successful alliances began with the Dreikaiserbund and Dual Alliance, 1879. The Triple Alliance was formed in 1882, the signing countries being Germany, Austria, and Italy.

The rise of Germany in both industrial and military terms alarmed Britain. The naval aspirations of Germany under the guidance of the German Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz was especially alarming to the British government at Whitehall. After the Triple Intervention in China, British attitudes questioned the continuation of its policy. On the other side of the world, the Triple Intervention also deeply humiliated Japan, which also realised that a strong ally in Europe was needed for the world to recognise its status as a power.

At the core of Salisbury's policy was a desire to protect the Empire and avoid war with another great power or combination of powers. His greatest fear was that Russia would seize the Straits and Constantinople and threaten Britain's communication to India, the core of the Empire in his estimation. He attempted to build up a counterforce with Italy and Austria-Hungary. He sought good relations with Germany as he did not see her interests conflicting with those of Britain. And he saw Egypt and the Nile Valley as the key position as the suez canal was the fastest and shortest route to India.

Salisbury was able to maintain an understanding with the German Chancellor, Bismarck to solve mutual problems, but he became increasingly alarmed at the unstable behavior of the new German emperor, Wilhelm II. It was increasing German hostility and naval expansion that led to Britain feeling isolated.

Britain had come close to war with European powers at the turn of the 20th Century. For instance, the Fashoda Crisis in 1898, while a political victory for Britain, was a worrying situation as had war broken out, she would have to had fought France alone, and there was always the possibility of Russian intervention on France's side. Because of the weak army, she would have had to rely on her navy, one of the main reasons for the Arms Race with Germany. Other situations had meant war could have broken out with Russia (over Russian expansionism and fear of losing India) and the United States, who opposed a British offensive in South America to protect territory.

[edit] Abandonment

Finally, Britain's Splendid Isolation was ended by the 1902 Anglo-Japanese Alliance. Britain began to normalise its relations with European countries that it had disputes with, and the Entente Cordiale and the Anglo-Russian Entente were signed in 1904 and 1907 respectively. The Alliance System was finally formed in the same year as the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente), and is considered an important factor in the outbreak of World War I.[citation needed]

Salisbury never actually used the term to describe his approach to foreign policy, and even argued against the use of the term. It could be claimed that Britain was not isolated during this period due to the fact that it still traded with other European powers and remained heavily connected with the Empire. Secondly, Salisbury never thought isolation to be 'splendid' as he considered it dangerous to be completely uninvolved with European affairs.[1]

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Andrew Roberts, Salisbury: Victorian Titan (Phoenix, 2000), p. 433.
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