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Splake (Salvelinus namaycush X Salvelinus fontinalis) is the name given to a hybrid species of fish resulting between the cross of a male brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and a female lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). The name itself is a hybrid between 'SP'eckled trout (another name for brook trout) and 'LAKE' trout, and may have been used to describe such hybrid "trout" as early as the 1880s (Kerr, S.J. 2000). Hybridization of the male lake trout with the female brook trout (the so-called "brookinaw") have also been attempted, but were largely unsuccessful (Sowards, 1959). The genus Salvelinus identifies this species as a Char. Both the brook "trout" and the lake "trout" are actually Char, and not true trout, thereby making the splake a Char as well. This fish is also referred to as Wendigo in some locales. While this hybrid is genetically stable and is capable of reproducing, splake reproduction has never been documented outside of a hatchery environment.
The fish is very handsomely marked, possessing characteristics of both parent species. Splake exhibit higher growth rates than either parent species, and can attain 18 inches in length after only 2 years of stocking fingerlings. The fish is generally considered easier to catch than other salmonid species, and often live longer and fair better in some situations where stocking of other salmonids is less successful, making it well suited for stocking in a variety of cold water lakes and ponds. Maximum size is ca. 20 lb, however, fish larger than 8 lb are rare and considered trohpy size.
[edit] Literature
- AYLES, B. (1974): Relative importance of additive genetic and maternal sources of variation in early survival of young splake hybrids (Salvelinus fontinalis x S. namaycush). J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 31: 1499-1502.
- BERST, A.H., IHSSEN, P.E., SPANGLER, G.R., AYLES, G.B., MARTIN, G.W. (1980): The splake, a hybrid charr Salvelinus namaycush x S. fontinalis. In: BALON, E.K.(ed.): Charrs, Salmonid Fishes of the Genus Salvelinus. Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, The Hague, 841-887.