SPK-YKH Universities

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SPK-YKH Universities is a collective nickname including most famous six universities in South Korea in terms of engineering. There are many these nicknames and its variants found in Korean websites and communities(mainly in 서포카-연고한, or SPK-YKH) [1] [2]
Moreover, According to 2006 JoongAng university evaluation, the six universities recorded high performances in various fields. [3]

[edit] References

  1. ^ http://search.daum.net/cgi-bin/nsp/search.cgi?nil_ch=&oldw=tot&sw=tot&q=%BC%B3%C6%F7%C4%AB+%BF%AC%B0%ED%C7%D1
  2. ^ http://search.naver.com/search.naver?where=nexearch&query=%BC%B3%C6%F7%C4%AB+%BF%AC%B0%ED%C7%D1&x=0&y=0&sm=tab_hty
  3. ^ http://article.joins.com/article/article.asp?ctg=12&total_id=2458680

[edit] See also