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A small spettekaka.
A small spettekaka.

Spettekaka (Spit cake) is a local dessert of the southern parts of Sweden, in the province of Scania. It plays an important part of the Scanian cultural heritage.

The mixture consists of basically eggs, potato flour and sugar which is put on a skewer and rotated over an open fire. It makes the dessert very dry. It is then wrapped in a sealed plastic bag to preserve its dryness. Spettekaka can range in size anywhere from a few inches to several feet in height and over a foot in diameter.

It is served accompanied by dark roast coffee, vanilla ice cream and port wine. A sharp knife is needed for slicing the dessert, as it will otherwise crumble.

See: Baumkuchen

For an excellent article, including photographs, visit http://www.skane.com/cmarter/cmarter.asp?doc=1678

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