Spellbinder (TV series)

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"Spellbinder" symbol
Genre sci-fi
Creator(s) Mark Shirrefs
& John Thomson
Starring Zbych Trofimiuk
Gosia Piotrowska
Heather Mitchell
Brian Rooney
Michela Noonan
Krzysztof Kumor
Country of origin Australia / Poland
No. of episodes 26
Running time 24 minutes
Original channel Nine Network
Original run 25 September 1995
7 November 1995
Followed by Spellbinder 2: Land of the Dragon Lord
IMDb profile
TV.com summary

Spellbinder — aka Dwa Światy in Poland (Pl: Two worlds) — is a sci-fi television series, produced by Film Australia & Telewizja Polska in association with the Australian Children's Television Foundation.

The series is a 1995 co-production between Australia and Poland, is one single complete story given in a serial form — in the same way that a complete story is sometimes given in a television mini-series. The series has 26 episodes altogether, with all of the episodes continuing immediately on from the previous episode in a serialised fashion, including having a cliffhanger at the end of each episode.

An interesting note is that many of the people from Riana's world speak in an Eastern European accent, with their names sounding like names from the same geographical area. This is because most of the scenes from the alternate universe were in fact filmed on location in Poland and featured Polish actors.

Spellbinder is followed by a sequel television series, Spellbinder 2: Land of the Dragon Lord, in which Heather Mitchell reprises her role as "Ashka".


[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

A group of teenagers go to a school camp in the Blue Mountains in Australia.

While at the camp, Paul Reynolds accidentally moves through a doorway between our universe and a parallel universe. This other world is inhabited by a more hierarchic and technologically different society, ruled by a group of people known as Spellbinders. Paul meets a girl there named Riana, and they become friends.

The Spellbinders have discovered the power to create and manipulate static electricity. They fly in gigantic copper-coloured machines that utilise large rotating orange crystals, presumably creating some form of magnetic levitation. As with all rulers, the Spellbinders often use their power for good, but some abuse this power and use their discoveries for malevolence. One such malevolent Spellbinder is Ashka. She often gets away without her true nature being discovered. Common people are often "banished" for their misdeeds, and sometimes spellbinders are banished, also, if they are proven to have done wrong.

There is tension from Paul's forays into the land of the Spellbinders and his attempts to return to his own universe, and also from conversations Paul has with his friends across the barrier between the two universes. Paul's and Riana's escapes also add tension, as do the interactions between Spellbinders. Paul is eventually able to travel back to our universe. He is forced to take Riana with him in order to save her. Later, when Paul is able to take Riana back to her universe, the Spellbinder Ashka follows Paul into our universe as he later returns home. Ashka seeks the help of Paul's father in making her a new 'flying suit' to replace her Spellbinder suit which had been taken from her before she entered into our universe and after Paul had successfully removed a stolen power suit from her on her last visit. Both Riana and Ashka are often frightened by the technology that exists in our world.

[edit] Characters

[edit] Paul Reynolds

Paul Reynolds is a teenage boy from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. His life was normal until a prank at a camp went wrong and he ended up in the land of the Spellbinders. At first, Paul was unsure of how to react to the new world, but he settled in quite quickly and was able to discover Ashka's plot to rule. Paul has some rough military skills, which, combined with the scientific knowledge from his father, makes him able to defeat Ashka.

[edit] Riana

Riana lives in the Spellbinder world. Her life was normal until the arrival of Paul. Despite getting off to a somewhat rocky start (Paul being mistaken for a Marauder), Riana quickly becomes Paul's friend. She has very good survival skills and can use bolas and a spear. Riana cares very much for her family and is upset when she realises that they may be in danger. In Paul's world, Riana is able to use some of her survival skills to help a newfound friend, and is known as "Paul's cousin from Iceland". Riana eventually ends up being Correon's apprentice.

[edit] Alex Katsonis

Alex is Paul's best friend and knows the truth about what happened to Paul. Alex helps prepare the cable to bring Paul home.

[edit] Katrina Muggleton

Having been brought up by strict parents, Katrina is academically smart at school but had tendencies of naivete. Believing that the Mount Lara lights do exist, she travels up to the cave and is the only other person to both see and believe Paul's disappearance. She realises that the radios can be used to communicate and is able to succeed in helping to bring Paul home. In the second half of the season, Katrina becomes a friend to Riana, helping her choose a dress. However, Katrina is easily tricked by Ashka into helping her.

[edit] Ashka

Ashka is a Spellbinder. She mistakes Paul for a Marauder at first, throwing a power bolt at him, then, realizing that he is unaffected (his rubber soles insulated him) chases after him. When she meets Paul at the castle and learns about fireworks, she blackmails Paul into giving her the secret of gunpowder, by holding the life of Riana and Riana's family over his head. Paul tricks her twice and Ashka winds up in Paul's world. In Paul's world, Ashka is unfamiliar with all the new sights and sounds and this proves to be a slight disadvantage, however she winds up working with Paul's father and creating a new power suit to take over the Spellbinder world. Ashka is ruthless and intimidating, and has the ability to create lies on the spot. Ashka overuses her power suit, and this leads to her downfall.

[edit] Brian Reynolds

Brian Reynolds is Paul's father. He refuses to believe that Paul is in another world, until Paul returns home. A scientist, Brian is usually more wrapped up in his work than his family, but eventually settles down. A single father, he shows a romantic interest in Ashka, not realising she's a spellbinder and helps her create a new power suit. When he realises his mistake, however, his knowledge helps bring Ashka down.

[edit] Christine Reynolds

Christine Reynolds is Paul's younger sister, who helps keep Riana secret.

[edit] Correon

Correon is a senior Regent. His studies are on how to repair flying ships and power suits. When he meets Riana however, and she shows him the technology from Paul's world, Correon realises that Paul is telling the truth and teams up with Paul and Riana to get Paul home. He calls Ashka a liar and challenges her, but he loses and is sent to the Wastelands where he winds up with Zander (a supposed Marauder). He is the one who introduces the Regents to a "Marauder" and plays a part in Ashka's downfall in the Spellbinder world.

[edit] Gryvon

Gryvon is Ashka's apprentice. The son of the Clayhill Summoner and Ashka's somewhat weird sidekick, Gryvon is somewhat sycophantic and follows Ashka's orders to the full. He is stripped of his apprenticeship after Ashka escapes and is punished by burning the cottage. Despite the fact he is no longer an apprentice, he still helps Ashka out.

[edit] The Spellbinder world

Zbych Trofimiuk as "Paul" and Gosia Piotrowska as "Riana" in the Spellbinder's World book cover (1st book)
Zbych Trofimiuk as "Paul" and
Gosia Piotrowska as "Riana" in the Spellbinder's World
book cover (1st book)

Very little is revealed about the history of the Spellbinder world. At some point in the distant past, a disaster befell the planet, leaving Australia surrounded by a wasteland where nothing can survive. It is implied that the Ancient Spellbinders were responsible for this disaster, perhaps a nuclear holocaust, brought about by their own intellectual arrogance.

The Ancient Spellbinders were technologically advanced, although their everyday lives were relatively simple by the standards of our world. They lived in stone castles and relied on traditional agriculture for food. Their knowledge was lost after the disaster, and today's Spellbinders no longer understand the science their technology is based on. Their flying ships and power suits are falling into disarray as they frantically search to rediscover the knowledge lost to them.

The Spellbinder world is governed by a council of three Regents who reside in the Spellbinder castle. The Regents are indifferent to the plight of the people outside their castle and are reluctant to believe Paul's claims about where he comes from. They imprison anyone who discovers or applies the principles of science, such as a toymaker who makes a toy that can fly. The basis of their power over the people is their technology, and they are ruthless in their desire to prevent anyone else from understanding it.

The people of the Spellbinder world are ignorant of the true nature of the Spellbinders' technology. To them, their power suits and flying ships are magic. The Spellbinders exploit this belief in order to maintain control over the people and use them for labour. Some people are allowed into the Spellbinder castle as servants, while exceptionally bright ones are taken on as apprentices to the Spellbinders. There is some degree of nepotism involved in the process though, as Gryvon is clearly only chosen to be an apprentice because his father is the village summoner.

The Spellbinders are beset with internal conflict due to the deterioration of their technology. Because there are only a limited number of power suits and flying ships still in operation, only a select few can be Spellbinders at any given time. Disputes are settled by combat in which Spellbinders fire power bolts at each other. The loser of the match is stripped of his power suit and taken to the wastelands to die. The same punishment is also given to anyone who violates the law against using science.

Paul's visit may have changed the balance of power in the Spellbinder world. Correon invites Riana to be his new apprentice, and Ashka is punished by being sent to a labour camp (as seen in Spellbinder 2) for her abuse of power. Although Correon was previously only interested in rediscovering the secrets of the Ancient Spellbinders, he now seems sympathetic to the problems of the people outside his castle. The rigid hierarchy that defines the Spellbinder society may therefore be weakening. However, Paul decides that future contact between the two worlds should be avoided in order to prevent Riana's world from being exploited by his own.

[edit] Spellbinder technology

Zbych Trofimiuk as "Paul" and Gosia Piotrowska as "Riana" in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia book cover (2nd book)
Zbych Trofimiuk as "Paul" and
Gosia Piotrowska as "Riana"
in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
book cover (2nd book)

[edit] Power suits

The power suit is the central piece of Spellbinder technology. It is powered by a set of power stones, which can be recharged in the castle complex. By rubbing the cuffs of the suit together, a Spellbinder can generate and discharge a power bolt. In combat, the power suit can be worn with a small shield capable of deflecting power bolts. Although the technology is never fully explained, it is implied that the power suit increases the voltage of energy stored within the power stones and releases it in the form of static electricity.

Because the suit's copper circuitry is mounted outside the suit, it is easily disabled by splashing it with water, causing a short circuit. The new power suit created by Paul's father in our world is able to repel the earth's magnetic field, allowing it to fly.

[edit] Power stones

Power stones are the primary power source for Spellbinder technology. They are used to generate the power bolts released by power suits, and they are also used to create the magnetic fields that power flying ships. They are generally small, rectangular stones with a yellowish-hue, although the power stones found in flying ships are much larger. Power stones can be recharged by infusing them with electricity, which is done in the lower levels of the Spellbinders' castle.

[edit] Summoning towers

Summoning towers are large metal towers that resemble electrical transformers and radio towers. The primary purpose of the summoning tower is to contact the Spellbinders when they are needed. An eyestone is placed into a cradle at the base of the tower, which presumably amplifies the signal it generates. The summoning towers also produce a magnetic field used to give flying ships their 'lift' (as evidenced when Paul shorts the main power stone in the castle, causing all flying ships to crash) and can be used as a landing pad for the flying ships.

[edit] Eyestones

Spellbinders communicate with each other with a handheld eyestone. The device has an outer lattice bearing the Spellbinder insignia, and opens to reveal a small circuit board. An eyestone creates a weak radio signal, similar to a walkie-talkie. For communicating over great distances, an eyestone must be connected to a summoning tower. Village summoners are the only people besides the Spellbinders who are permitted to use eyestones.

[edit] Flying ships

The Spellbinders travel large distances in their metal flying ships. Unlike airplanes, which operate on aerodynamic principles, flying ships generate lift through powerful magnetic fields. Each flying ship is equipped with a pair of large power stones on either side, which rotate slowly as the ship moves. This motion creates a magnetic field powerful enough to repel against another magnetic field created by the summoning towers. Flying ships can be used for transportation and also to dust crops with pesticide. Although the technology that powers them is impressive, flying ships generally move somewhat slowly. By the time of Paul's visit to the Spellbinder's world, only six remain in operation.

[edit] Compass

Spellbinders use a small magentic compass to navigate when travelling on foot or horseback. The compass contains a gyro device that is pulled into motion with a piece of string. The arrow of the compass then moves to detect north.

[edit] Cast

Paul Reynolds in the Spellbinder world
Paul Reynolds in the Spellbinder world

[edit] Main cast

  • Zbych Trofimiuk as "Paul Reynolds"
  • Gosia Piotrowska as "Riana"
  • Brian Rooney as "Alex Katsonis"
  • Michela Noonan as "Katrina Muggleton"
  • Andrew McFarlane as "Brian Reynolds"
  • Heather Mitchell as "Ashka"
  • Krzysztof Kumor as "Correon"
  • Rafał Zwierz as "Gryvon"

[edit] Secondary cast

  • Joachim Lamża as "Lukan"
  • Hanna Dunowska as "Marna"
  • Piotr Adamczyk as "Zander"
  • Julia Biczysko as "Arla"
  • Stanislaw Brejdygant as the "Clayhill Summoner"
  • Erland Buchan "Jal"
  • Georgina Fisher as "Christine Reynolds"
  • Andrzej Grabarczyk as "Bron"
  • Sława Michalewska as "Maran"
  • Judy Morris as "Mrs. Muggleton"

[edit] Television and DVD releases

Aimed at teenagers and children, the first 13 episodes of the series ("Riana's World") screened on Australian television in 1994 with the second half of the series ("Paul's World") screened in 1995.

The series was also shown in the United States on the Disney Channel beginning in 1996, and the sequel appeared on Fox Family Channel beginning in 1999.

The series were also shown in France on France 2 and the UK on ITV.

"Spellbinder" was finally approved for DVD release in Australia on September 19, 2005 by the ACTF in their decision to release early 90's children's series on DVD including The Girl from Tomorrow. The complete first season was re-released on DVD July 19, 2006.

[edit] External links

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