Speedwell Island

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Speedwell Island (formerly Eagle Island; Spanish Isla Águila) is one of the Falkland Islands, lying in the Falkland Sound, southwest of Lafonia, East Falkland. It has an area of 74 square kilometres.


[edit] Wildlife

The island is rodent-free, and thus a haven for penguins and nesting seabirds. It is run as a sheep farm.

[edit] History

In 1929, Alexander Dugas, a Frenchman employed on Sealion Island committed suicide and his companions felt it necessary to inform the authorities. But the lack of harbors meant that no boat of any size could be kept on the island and so a determined individual called Benny Davis constructed a make-shift craft from wooden barrels and launched it into the surf. The remarkable sailor set out just before dark, and arrived at Speedwell Island some twelve hours later. He explained that he had simply headed west and then taken his direction from the smell of the cormorants on Annie Island. [1]

[edit] References

  • William Wagstaff, Falkland Islands: the Bradt Travel Guide

[edit] External links

Coordinates: 52°13′13″S, 59°44′04″Wen:Isla Águila (Islas Malvinas)

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