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The Speed-Ball is a racquet sport invented in Egypt in 1961 by Mohamed Lotfy for the training of beginner tennis players.


[edit] Description

A hollow ball in latex turn around a metallic mast (1,70m high) which is linked by a nylon thread (fishing thread type) of 1,70m length. The thread is knotted to the mast by a loop or a plastic ring freely revolving around a reel. The mast is fixxed in a base from 40kg to 90kg. The ball is elliptic and it's hit with a rigid plastic racquet wihth a small handle and a strings around 25cm of diameter.

[edit] Rules

The speed-ball is played alone (super-solo), with two players (single match), or four players (double match).

[edit] Super-solo

In Super-solo, the aim is to hit the ball a maximum times in one minute. At first with the right hand, then a minute again with the left hand, then with two racquets in fore-hand only, then with two racquets in back-hand only. The number of hits of each movement is added to make the final score of the solo.

The duration of one movement is 30 seconds for the yougs under 14 years old and one minute for the others classes. A rest of 30 seconds for all classes is granted behind each movement.

The best players can do up to 150 hits in one minute!

[edit] Single match

The single, contrary to the solo is played with only one racquet. In a single match, there is two players, each one has his own ground. The two grounds are separated by a neutral strip of 60cm wide (diameter of the speed-ball's base). A match is divided into games of 10 points. The players hit the ball once each one and invert the rotation wise. To score points, the ball must run two times successively across the opponent ground without the player can return it. If there is a fault, the point is missed and there is a new service. The service is alternated, whoever is the point's winner. The first player who has won 10 points wins the game. The first player who has won two games (three games for men's seniors) wins the match.

[edit] Double match

Thedouble match takes place like the single, in two teams of two players. In each team, the players serve and hit the ball alternatively. The general rules are the same as the single.

Specifics double's mistakes are about the player's rotation and reception of the ball.

[edit] Federation

The Federation International of Speed-Ball (FISB) was founded in 1984 by the membership of Egypt, France, and Japan. Several other countries joined th federation (USA, Canada, China, Austria, Swiss, Slovenia, Denmark, ...).

[edit] External links

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