Specialized dictionary

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A specialized dictionary is a dictionary that covers a relatively restricted set of phenomena. The typical type of specialized dictionary is that which in English is often referred to as a technical dictionary and in German as a Fachwörterbuch.

Specialized dictionaries can be classified in varoius ways. A dictionary that covers more than one subject field is called a multi-field dictionary; one that covers one subject field is called a single-field dictionary; and one that covers a limited part of a subject field is called a sub-field dictionary.

A specialized dictionary that attempts to cover as much of the relevant terminology as possible is called a maximizing dictionary, whereas one that attempts to cover only a limited part of the relevant terminology is called a minimizing dictionary.

[edit] Relevant literature

  • Henning Bergenholtz/Sven Tarp (eds.): Manual of Specialised Lexicography. Benjamins 1995.
  • Sandro Nielsen: The Bilingual LSP Dictionary. Gunter Narr 1994.

[edit] External links