Specialist Operations

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Specialist Operations was a group of twenty specialist Metropolitan Police units which were set up in 1986 as part of Sir Kenneth Newman's restructuring of the Metropolitan Police Service. Most of the units designated SO units were already in existence, many of them as departments of C Division and its branches, and all were presided over by an Assistant Commissioner of Special Operations (ACSO).


[edit] SO designations

Due to continual restucturing of the Metropolitan Police, only a few of the original SO units still exist in their original form and still use the SO designation. These are marked in bold. Where possible, the current name or organisation of the former SO unit is listed in italics. Where the SO designation has been reassigned to another unit, the units are listed in order

[edit] Future changes

In 2005 the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair, announced that Specialist Operations units were to be re-aligned. The plans included forming 3 new departments within Specialist Operations to carry out specific functions:

  1. Protecting People, (Splitting the functions of both SO14 & SO16 and merging them with parts of SO17, SO18 and SO12)
  2. Protecting Places, (Splitting the functions of both SO14 & SO16 and merging them with parts of SO17 and SO18)
  3. Counter Terrorism Command (Merging SO12 & SO13 together)

[edit] See also

[edit] External links