Special Esperanto adverbs

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A limited number of Esperanto adverbs do not end with the regular adverbial ending (-e). Many of these function as more than just adverbs, such as hodiaŭ "today" [noun or adverb] and ankoraŭ "yet, still" [conjunction or adverb]. Others are part of the correlative system, and have not been repeated here.

It should be mentioned that the class of 'adverb' is not well defined in any language, and that it is sometimes difficult to say whether a word is an adverb or not. The -e suffix is restricted in Esperanto for cases that are clearly adverbial.

[edit] Adverbial roots ending in the undefined pseudo-suffix -aŭ

The pseudo-suffix -aŭ is not part of the root, and in theory may be replaced by other grammatical suffixes, or simply dropped, but in practice this does not occur outside poetry. Not all Esperanto words ending in -aŭ have adverbial uses; an example is the preposition anstataŭ 'instead of', which can only be used adverbially in the derived form anstataŭe (rarely anstate).

     Esperanto English notes
ambaŭ both adjective and adverb
ankoraŭ still, yet conjunction and adverb
apenaŭ barely
baldaŭ soon
hodiaŭ today noun and adverb
hieraŭ yesterday noun and adverb
kvazaŭ as if conjunction and adverb
morgaŭ tomorrow noun and adverb
preskaŭ almost

[edit] Bare root adverbs

Some of these may argued to be grammatical particles and not true adverbs, in which case clear adverbs may be derived by adding the ending -e.

     Esperanto English notes
for away cf. the derived adverb fore
jam already, yet
ĵus just now
nun now noun and adverb
nur only
plej most cf. the derived adverb pleje
pli more pronoun and adverb; cf. the derived adverb plie
plu beyond, further cf. the derived adverb plue
tre very
tro overly, too much cf. the derived adverb troe
tuj at once, immediately