Spatio temporal receptive field

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The spatio temporal receptive field (STRF) of a neuron represents which types of stimuli excite or inhibit that neuron. If linearity is assumed, the neuron can be modelled as having a time-varying firing rate equal to the convolution of the stimulus with the STRF.

[edit] Auditory STRFs

The example STRF here is for an auditory neuron from the area CM of a male zebra finch, when played conspecific birdsong. The colour of this plot shows the effect of sound on this neuron: this neuron tends to be excited by sound from about 2.5 kHz to 7 kHz heard by the animal 12 ms ago, but it is inhibited by sound in the same frequency rage from about 18 ms ago. Image:STRF.jpg

This STRF was generated with [1]STRFPAK: free software (registration required) to help estimate STRFs.

[edit] Visual STRFs

Visual STRFs can have the same dimension as movies.