Spain in the Middle Ages

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History of Spain series
Prehistoric Spain
Roman Hispania
Medieval Spain
- Visigoths & Suevi
- Al-Andalus
- Age of Reconquest
Kingdom of Spain
Age of Expansion
Age of Enlightenment
Reaction and Revolution
First Spanish Republic
The Restoration
Second Spanish Republic
Spanish Civil War
Spain under Franco
Transition to Democracy
Modern Spain
Economic History
Military History
Social History

After the disorders of the passage of the Vandals and Alans down the Mediterranean coast of Hispania from 409, the history of Medieval Spain begins with the Iberian kingdom of the Arianist Visigoths (507–711), who were converted to Catholicism with their king Reccared in 587. Visigothic culture in Spain can be seen as a phenomenon of Late Antiquity as much as part of the Age of Migrations. The Moorish conquest, completed in the decade after 711, forms a more decisive cultural break with the Roman past.

The Middle Ages in Spain are often said to end in 1492 with the final acts of the Reconquista in the capitulation of Granada and the Alhambra decree ordering the expulsion of the Jews. Early Modern Spain was first united as an institution in the reign of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor as Carlos I of Spain.

See the relevant section of History of Spain.

For Early Medieval Spain, see:

The broadest cultural divisions in Hispania during the medieval period are between Islamic society and Christian.

For the Muslim Emirate (ca 750-929) and Caliphate of Córdoba (929-1031) in general, see Al-Andalus

For Northern Spain see individual kingdoms and polities:

Medieval Spain was as much as a network of cities, which were cultural and administrative centers, the seats of bishops and sometimes kings, with markets and housing expanding from a central fortified stronghold. Medieval Spanish history can also be followed through its major cities:

and at the great shrine of Santiago de Compostela.

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