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SpagoBI is an integration platform for the Business Intelligence entirely developed according to the FOSS philosophy.

It is a platform because it covers and satisfies all the BI requirements, both in terms of analysis than of data management, administration and security. In the analytical world it offers solutions for reporting, multidimensional analysis (OLAP), Data Mining, Dashboard and free inquiry. It adds original modules for the management of collaborative processes which build analytical dossiers and for the geo-referenced analysis.

It has tools for the data extraction, transformation and loading (ETL) and it supports the administrator in the maintenance of the analytical documents, managing the versioning and the approval iter.

SpagoBI has a behavioural model which regulates the visibility on the data and the behaviour of the single documents in relation to the end users’ roles.

SpagoBI is an integration platform (and not a product platform) because it isn't built and closed around a predefined set of tools. It has a modular structure in which every module is related to the core of the system, which guarantees the harmony of the platform together with its evolutive capability. It integrates specific analytical engines for every area (reporting, olap, dashboard, data mining, etc) and it allows to use several engines on the same analytical area at the same time (several reporting engines at the same time, several data mining engines at the same time, tc.), not necessarily only FOSS. In fact, SpagoBI also allows to integrate proprietary solutions (Business Objects ot Microsoft Analysis Service as instance) to allow to compose every time the best platform for a particular reality.

SpagoBI is entirely FOSS, it doesn't have any market module and doesn't have a double product version; it takes the BI Open Source to the enterprise level, in fact the behavioural model regulates the visibility on the data according to the business responsibilities and it has a scalable architecture also remaining in the FOSS logic.

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