Soviet partisan group 1941-1944

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Soviet partisan group (1941—1944) (Belarusian: партызанская група), was the smallest organisational form of the Soviet partisan units, the principal organisational form in the initial phase (1941—1942) of the partisan war in the German rear.

The partisan groups were formed by the Soviet and Communist bodies on the German occupied territories and in the Soviet rear. By the objective and formation, the partisan groups could be of the special kind: «special» (NKVD)[1], diversionist, recon and others.

In the Spring 1942, with the personnel influx into the partisan units and with the urban underground groups going into the forests, the number of the partisan groups soared, and the groups began to be expanded to the complements of the partisan detachments. During Winter 1941—Spring 1942, new 150 detachments were formed from the groups, during Summer 1942, another 121.

  1. ^ Manayenkaw enumerates 11 special (NKVD of BSSR) groups operating on the BSSR territory, mostly in 1943—1944, also in 1942.

[edit] Sources

  • А. Л. Манаенкаў. Партызанская група ў Вялікую Айчынную вайну // Беларуская энцыклапедыя: У 18 т. Т. 12. — Мінск: БелЭн, 2001. — 560 с. p. 123. ISBN 985-11-0198-2 (т.12)
    • Source citing: Беларусь у Вялікай Айчыннай вайне 1941—1945: Энцыкл. Мн., 1990. С. 452—453.