Soviet military academies

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There were a number of military academies in the Soviet Union of different specialties.

Soviet, now Russian, military and police facilities named "academy" (Russian: акаде́мия, akademiya) are not a degree-level school (like Western military academies such as West Point), but a post-graduate school for experienced officers.

Other academies not listed below included the Kirov Military Medical Academy, located in Leningrad. Scott and Scott also note that, as of 1979, the newest academy was the Military Academy of Air Defence of the Ground Forces, previously a branch of the Kalinin Military Artillery Academy. It was opened in September 1977 in Kiev. [1]


[edit] Voroshilov Military Academy of the USSR Army General Staff

See General Staff Academy (Soviet)

[edit] Frunze Military Academy

Frunze Military Academy (Russian: Военная академия им. М. В. Фрунзе) was founded in 1918 as the academy of the General Staff. In 1921, it was transformed into the RKKA Military Academy. It is named after Mikhail Frunze. It is roughly the equivalent of the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth or the British Army's Staff College, Camberley. Officers usually enter when they are between thirty and thirty-two years old with the rank of Captain or Major, depending on whether they pass the competitive entry examinations.

In the 1930s, higher academic courses were added to the Frunze curriculum, as advanced courses for earlier graduates. These courses became the basis for the Voroshilov Academy. Following the creation of the Voroshilov General Staff Academy, the Frunze Academy refocused upon combined arms warfare training.

Scott and Scott (1979) noted that ..within the Academy are 'chairs of operational-tactical disciplines, Marxism-Leninism, history of the CPSU and Party-political work, history of war and military art, foreign languages, and other subjects and scientific research sections'[2] In the late 1970s the Scotts noted the Frunze library had about two million volumes.

The Frunze Academy and the Malinovsky Academy were amalgamated in September 1998 into the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Russian: Общевойсковая академия Вооруженных сил Российской Федерации ), on the site of the former Frunze Academy.[3]

Since the turn of the century the Combined Arms Academy has been the site of a number of Russian-Western joint military activities, including an IISS conference in February 2001, and U.S./Russian exercises.

After graduation from this academy, every graduate officer used to receive a diploma and a silvern romb on their uniform or civil suit which had to be located on the right side of the chest above all other military or civil decorations.

The Commandant, as of 2004, was General Colonel Vladimir I. Popov.[4]

[edit] Malinovsky Military Academy of Armored Forces

Malinovsky Military Academy of Armored Forces (Военная академия бронетанковых войск им. Р. Я. Малиновского) was created in 1932 in Moscow as the Stalin Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army. It was named after Rodion Malinovsky.

It had the mission of training Soviet and Warsaw Pact commanders, staff officers, and engineers for armored and mechanized units. The best-qualified graduates were also selected for the centralized operations division of the General Staff. Students entered as captains and majors (with some lieutenant colonels), indicating it was about on an intermediate level with the Army's Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas and the Air Command and Staff College at Maxwell AFB, Alabama. The program of instruction was three years for commanders and staff officers and four years for engineers.

As noted above, it was merged with the Frunze Academy in 1998 as the Combined Arms Academy.

[edit] Dzerzhinsky Military Academy of Rocket Forces

Dzerzhinsky Military Academy (Военная академия им. Ф. Э. Дзержинского) was based on the Mikhaylovskaya Artillery Academy of Imperial Russia created in 1820 in St. Petersburg. It is named after Felix Dzerzhinsky.

The Dzerzhinsky Rocket Forces Academy is located next to the Rossiya Hotel on the embankment near the Kremlin. Formerly the Artillery Academy of the Red Army, it was moved from Leningrad to Moscow in 1958, the year before the Strategic Rocket Forces were formed. Officers in command positions in the Strategic Rocket Forces would seek admission to this academy. All information about this academy is highly classified. Its two major faculties are "command" and "engineering."

The Academy was renamed for Peter the Great in 1997 (Russian: Военная Академия Ракетных Войск Стратегического Назначения имени Петра Великого), and its Commandant is now General Colonel Yuriy F. Kirillov.[5]

Peter the Great Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces (official Web Site) (Russian)

[edit] Budyonny Military Academy of Communications

Budyonny Military Academy of Communications (Военная академия связи им. С. М. Буденного) was created in 1932 in Leningrad. It is named after Semyon Budyonny.

[edit] Gagarin Military Air Academy

The Gagarin Military Air Academy is located at Monino, northeast of Moscow, in an area closed to foreigners. Almost all the senior officers in the Soviet Air Forces will have attended this academy. It is charged with the preparation of "command cadres of various aviation specialties and is a scientific center for working out problems of operational art of the Air Forces and tactics of branches and types of aviation." Part of the course involves developing new techniques in the operational use of the aircraft.

[edit] Govorov Military Engineering-Radio Technical Academy of Air Defense

The Govorov Military Engineering-Radiotechnical Academy of Air Defense is located in Kharkov. As any tourist to the Soviet Union can note, the nation appears blanketed with radars and communications facilities. This academy prepares officers of the Troops of Air Defense in these two areas. Faculty members engage in research, and their technical publications are known throughout the Soviet Union.

[edit] Grechko Naval Academy

The Grechko Naval Academy is the Soviet navy's only senior service school. Its faculty included many more admirals than did the Frunze. The students are lieutenant commanders, commanders, and some captains, with ages 30–35 years. All naval officers (including naval aviation) holding positions above the regiment (wing) level are graduates of this school. Some Soviet air force officers are assigned to the faculty, but no air force officers are permitted in the student body.

[edit] Kalinin Military Academy of Artillery

Mikhailovskaya Military Academy of Artillery (Russian: Михайловская военная артиллерийская академия) in Saint Petersburg dates to 1698. It was given the name Mikhailovskaya in 1849 after Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich of Russia. Merged into the Red Army Military Technical Academy in 1925, it was restored in 1953 as Kalinin Military Academy of Artillery (Военная артиллерийская академия им. М. И. Калинина) as a spin-off of the Dzerzhinsky Academy.

The academy was restored the Grand Duke's name in 1995.

[edit] Kuybyshev Military Academy of Engineer Troops

[edit] Lenin Political-Military Academy

Specialized in training political officers for the entire Soviet Armed Forces.

[edit] Makarov Military Academy of Rear Services and Transport

Military Academy of Rear Services and Transport (Военная академия тыла и транспорта) was created in 1918 in Leningrad.

[edit] Timoshenko Military Academy of Chemical Defense

Timoshenko Military Academy of Chemical Defense (Военная академия химической защиты им. С. К. Тимошенко) was created in 1932 in Moscow. It is named after Semyon Timoshenko.

[edit] Vasilevsky Military Academy of Army Air Defense

Vasilevsky Military Academy of Army Air Defense (Военная академия войсковой противовоздушной обороны им. А. М. Василевского) was created in 1977 in Kiev. It is named after Aleksandr Vasilevsky.

[edit] Zhukov Command Academy of Air Defense

The Zhukov Military Command Academy of Air Defense is located on the banks of the Volga River in Kalinin (now Tver), a city between Moscow and St. Petersburg. In addition to its educational and training tasks, this academy is a research center for studying problems of operational art and tactics, as well as command, communications, and control (C3) on air defense matters.

[edit] Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy

Zhukovskyi Air Force Engineering Academy (Военно-воздушная инженерная академия имени профессора Н. Е. Жуковского) named after Nikolai Yegorovich Zhukovsky was founded in 1920 in Moscow to train engineers for the Soviet Air Force as well as lecturers and scientists. It still exists in Russian Federation.

The Zhukovsky Military Air Engineering Academy is located in Moscow, on Leningrad Prospekt immediately across from Central Airfield. Course length is five years. In addition to being an institution of higher learning, it also is a scientific center for working out problems in the areas of aviation technology, its technical exploitation, and combat utilization.

[edit] Combat Application and Conversion Centers

Russian: ЦБПиПЛС - Центры боевого применения и переучивания личного состава // Tsentry boyevogo primenyeniya i pereuchivaniya lichnogo sostava

These centers do a big scientific and technical work in mastering of the new equipment and tactics.

  • Center of Fronline Aviation, Lipetsk
  • Center of Aviation of Air Defense, Savasleika
  • Center of Naval Aviation, Pskov
  • Center of Long Range Aviation, Dyagilevo

[edit] Military research institutes

Seven of these institutes existed in the Soviet Union. These were specialist research & training facilities.

[edit] GLITs/NII VVS

The NII VVS (R&D Institute of the Air Force, Russian: ГЛИЦ, НИИ ВВС), Akhtubinsk.

[edit] The History

  • 21 September 1920 - Scientific-experimental airfield at the Main Agency of Workers' and Peasants' Red Air Fleet (Научно-опытный аэродром (НОА) при ГУ РККВФ)
  • 6 October 1922 (24 October 1924) - Scientific-experimental airfield of the Air Force of the USSR (Научно-опытный аэродром ВВС СССР)
  • 12 (26) October 1926 - R&D Institute of the Air Force of Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (НИИ ВВС РККА)
  • 1 June 1944 (1 May 1944) - The State Red-Banner R&D Institute of the Air Force (Государственный Краснознаменный (ГК) НИИ ВВС)
  • 1965 - The State R&D Institute, Red-Banner awarded, of the Air Force (ГНИКИ ВВС)
  • 1967 - The 8-th State R&D Institute of the Air Force named after V.P.Chkalov (8 ГНИИ ВВС им.Чкалова)
  • 1990 - The State Flight and Test Center of the Ministry of Defsnse of Russian Federation named after V.P.Chkalov (Государственный летно-испытательный центр (ГЛИЦ) МО РФ им. В.П.Чкалова)

[edit] Test Ranges

[edit] NII BT

The NII BT (R&D Institute of the Armoured Forces, Russian: НИИ БТ), Kubinka.

[edit] External References and Sources

  1. ^ Scott and Scott, The Armed Forces of the USSR, Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 1979, p.367
  2. ^ A.I. Radziyevskiy, 'The Military Academy named for M.V. Frunze', Soviet Military Encyclopaedia, Vol. 2, p.175, Moscow, Voyenizdat, 1976, cited in Scott and Scott, Armed Forces of the USSR, ibid.
  3. ^ Scott and Scott, Russian Military Directory 2002, p.205
  4. ^ Scott and Scott, Russian Military Directory 2004, p.195
  5. ^ Scott and Scott, Russian Military Directory 2004, p.195

[edit] See Also

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