Talk:South Carolina Exposition and Protest
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This article is very inaccurate, and misleading... The Exposition and Protest were not a single document, they were two. The "Exposition" is an essay written by Calhoun. The "Protest" consist of the actual resolutions adopted by the General Assmbly of South Carolina. I will fix these errors soon. - S.A. 03/21/2006
Yeah, this is a terrible description. I don't know anything about the Protest, but this doesn't sound tht much like the Exposition. Did the Exposition definitely declare SC's decision to secede if the tariff were enforced, or does it just nullify the tariff within state borders? Also, it would be good to have something on the influence of the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions and and the failure of nullification. - Dana O. Nov. 29, 06