South Carolina Supreme Court

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The South Carolina Supreme Court is the highest court in the state of South Carolina. The court is composed of a Chief Justice and four Associate Justices.


[edit] Selection of Justices

Judges are selected by the legislature of South Carolina to serve terms of ten years. There is no prohibition against justices serving multiple terms on the court.

[edit] Jurisdiction

The court enjoys both original and appellate jurisdiction. It enjoys exclusive appellate jurisdiction for all state cases regarding the death penalty, state utility rates, judgements involving public bonded indebtedness and elections, and orders limiting state grand juries and relating to abortions by minors. Original jurisdiction pertains to the issuance writs including mandamus, certiorari, and extraordinary bills.

[edit] Additional Charges of the Court

The South Carolina Supreme Court oversees the admission of individuals to practice law in the state. It also supervises the discipling of attorneys and suspension of those no longer able to practice due to mental or physical condition.

[edit] External Links