Sorood-e Melli-e Jomhoori-e Eslami-e Iran

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The National Anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Persian: سرود ملی جمهوری اسلامی ایران, Translateration: "Sorood-e Melli-e Jomhoori-e Eslami-e Iran" or "Sorood-e Melli-ye Jomhoori-ye Eslami-ye Iran", Translation: "National Anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran") was composed by Hassan Riyahi, with words written collectively. This anthem was adopted in 1990, replacing the anthem used during the time of Ayatollah Khomeini.

[edit] Lyrics

Persian original
UniPers alphabet
English translation
سر زد از افق، مهر خاوران
فروغ دیده ی حق باوران
بهمن، فرّ ایمان ماست
پیامت ای امام، استقلال، آزادی نقش جان ماست
شهیدان، پیچیده در گوش زمان فریادتان
پاینده مانی و جاودان
جمهوری اسلامی ایران
Sar zad az ofogh mehr-e-khâvarân
Forugh-e-dideye haq bâvarân
Bahman, farr-e-imân-e-mâst
Payâmat ey Emâm, esteqlâl, âzâdi, naqsh-e-jân-e-mâst
Shahidân, pichide dar guš-e-zamân faryâdetân
Pâyande mâniyo jâvedân
Upwards on the horizon rose the Eastern Sun1
The light in the eyes of the Believers in Justice2.
Bahman3 is the zenith of our faith.
Your message, O Imam4, of Sovereignty5 and Freedom
is imprinted on our souls.
O Martyrs! Your clamours echo in the ears of time:
Be enduring, continuing, and eternal,
The Islamic Republic of Iran.

1 Mehr: Sun; Love; Kindness
2 Haqq: Truth; Justice; Righteousness; God
3 Bahman: Good mind; The month of the Islamic revolution's occurrence.
4 Imam: Leader; Title of Ayatollah Khomeini
5 Esteqlal: Sovereignty; Independence

[edit] See also

[edit] External links