User:Sonny jim/Life

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This was my original draft for my opinions on life. Hope you like it!

Life is a complicated and entangled web of absolute nonsense that just happened to be cobbled together out of thin air by a lightning bold from the sky some few billion years ago. It’s strange to think that we all just originated from a pool of primordial goo that just happened to fuse to form organic compounds, but it’s the truth.

People might ask me what my opinion is on the meaning of life, and to that I usually respond “What meaning?” It is really my opinion. Life doesn’t really have a concrete purpose, or an exact meaning. It just exists.

Despite what many people think, we were not put here by some god in the sky who just got bored and decided to make people and plants and other animals so he could have some fun and kill them, we were created by chance, a mere accident, a spin of a roulette wheel that ended out in our favor.

There is plenty of proof that this is true. For example, look at physics. There is a running theory that there are other universes out there that have different chains of events than the one we live in, different histories, different timelines, different everything. This means that every possible thing that can happen will happen, but not necessarily in our universe (for example, there’s probably some universe where the Kings actually won a championship). But this lends itself to the fact that if life actually had a purpose to fulfill, then those universes that didn’t have life wouldn’t have that purpose fulfilled, and thus could not exist where in reality they do exist, and thus life has no purpose, QED.

But then you have to ask yourself, if we have no purpose, then why do we exist? The answer is simple and complicated at the same time: to some extent, we actually do not exist. In a near-infinite cosmos where everything that can happen will happen, there is a greater possibility of outcomes without life than there are with life (read Stephen Hawking’s The Universe in a Nutshell) which means that there is a much smaller percentage of outcomes that actually contain humans (in fact, so small as to consider nonexistent).

But that’s impossible, we exist, we’re right here. Or are we? That’s the real question that we should ask ourselves, are we really here? We perceive ourselves as being here, we can see, smell, hear, feel, taste (although not necessary) ourselves, and yet these are only stimuli given to our brains to tell us that the world around us actually exists, although we don’t actually know that brains exist, so who are we to say that any of this exists at all?

This is the precise reason that me and a couple of friends, while at chess camp one midsummer’s eve, we decided to start our own religion, with a resounding membership of three, while discussing philosophy. We called thongism, because the basis of the theory was that everyone and everything in the universe (at least our own) is a thong. And the beautiful part is that no one can disprove it either.

That’s the problem with our universe, no one can prove anything is true definitively, and no one can prove that anything is untrue definitively, because there is always the fact that any research that anyone does is subject to human interpretation through a psyche that no one can prove or disprove exists. And thus the universe is stuck in the paradox that it exists and does not exist at the same time.

And thus we realize that it is not anything human that is wrong in general, but that there is a general flaw with the universe as a whole, and thus we do not need anything to tell us that we are bad but we are forgiven (generally known as religion), or anything that tells us an explanation for anything that can’t be explained by science (because obviously science cannot describe the fact that the universe exists and does not exist at the same time).

That is not to say that I think that religion is evil (I sure am not some kind of Atheist, or Devil worshiper ore something). I just am a impartial party. Religion is a good thing. It has done its job in my opinion; it has given the public an explanation for things in the universe that cannot be explained.

Also, the general fact is that we cannot disprove religion, either.

Isn’t it interesting that my argument is a paradox?

I am saying that nothing in the universe can be proved or disproved because there is always the fact that it has to go through a human psyche, but this itself has gone through a human psyche and thus it cannot be proved or disproved. But if this is wrong, then it means that we can trust things from human psyches, and thus I am correct in saying that we cannot trust human psyches. It is the oldest paradox in the book.

And I am not saying that I am an exception to the rules; we are all subject to the facts of nature.

Let me move on to a different topic, since obviously this is very complicated.

Now I will move to the concept that infinity does not exist.

I know, people use it all the time. But in reality, it does not exist, because it itself is a paradox.

Let’s say that we have infinity, and we give it the definition of “everything”. But if it is everything, then that means it is everything including itself, which would be impossible because it itself is everything. Not only that, but if it is everything, then it would also be nothing at the same time, thus lending itself to the paradox that we discussed earlier that it exists and does not exist at the same time.

Now, technically this can be said about anything in the universe, which is the exact point of my philosophy: everything exists and does not exist at the same time.

Interesting to think that everything in the entire world is a paradox and that nothing is constant or finite.

Please post comments in the talk page.
