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[edit] TX Senate Election Results
"For Margo, the odds of winning weren't good in the county that hasn't elected a Republican in 24 years on a countywide basis and on a night when Democrats were rallying nationally. By 11 p.m. Tuesday, Margo had yet to concede or issue a statement, and he could not be reached for comment. The last Republican to win countywide in a local race was District Judge Ward Koehler in 1982. Margo, who could not be reached late Tuesday night, relied on a barrage of hard-hitting TV ads that relentlessly criticized Shapleigh for being too critical of state leaders to be effective in Austin. Michael Bray, the Kern Place Republican precinct chairman, said he thinks that hurt Margo. "All the negative advertising got me turned off," Bray said while waiting for the results at Margo's post-election party. "I was waiting for him to say, 'This is what I'm going to do,' but he never did. "It was all about the negativity of Eliot Shapleigh." University of Texas at El Paso student Jerusalem Benavides said Shapleigh has been too good a senator to lose." [1]
[edit] Bio From JD Williams
Donald R. "Dee" Margo (born February 3, 1952) is running for the 29th Senatorial District of Texas. He is married to Adair Margo, current chair of the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities, appointed by George W. Bush.
[edit] Background
Dee received a bachelor's degree in history and economics in 1974 from Vanderbilt University, where he met his wife Adair, also a Vanderbilt graduate. Dee played football for Vanderbilt on scholarship for the duration of his college term.
Dee and Adair, a fourth-generation El Pasoan and founder of the Adair Margo Gallery, have two sons, Wake and Don.
[edit] Local Businessman
For nearly 30 years, Dee has worked at the John D. Williams Company (the largest insurance companies in Southwest United States, working his way up through the ranks - from Vice President in 1977 to President and now to his current position of Chairman and CEO.
A current member of the World President's Organization, and past member of the Young President's Organization, Dee has been honored for his dedicated efforts to make a difference in his community and as an exemplary role model in business ethics.
[edit] Community Leader
Margo has been a long-time participant in El Paso business and civics, holding a diverse number of leadership positions within the community, including as an active member of the Greater El Paso Chamber of Commerce, the El Paso Regional Economic Development Corporation, and the Paso Del Norte Group.
Dee also helped found the Border Fund, a communities partner fund with the Robert R. McCormick Tribune Foundation. Working with Operation Noel, the Border Fund helps provide over 16,000 coats to needy children every year. Since its inception, the Border Fund has provided over $25 million in charitable grants to local volunteer groups aiding El Pasoans in immediate need of a helping hand.
[edit] Honors
Dee has been recognized for his generous work on behalf of others, receiving the Department of the Army's Outstanding Civilian Service Award, the U.S. Army’s third highest civilian honor. He has also received the El Paso Chamber of Commerce's Star Award, and the League of Women Voters' BRAVO Award. He was inducted into Junior Achievement’s El Paso Business Hall of Fame in 1999. [edit]
[edit] External Links
* [ Dee Margo's Official Campaign Website]
[edit] Retrieved from [1]
Categories: 1953 births | Living people | People from El Paso, Texas
[edit] Politics
Donald R. Margo is currently running against incumbent senator Eliot Shapleigh for the 29th Senatorial District of Texas. Margo hired an Austin firm founded by Karl Rove to be his campaign consultants in his bid to unseat Eliot Shapleigh.
[edit] Controversy
Margo's great acheivement and and political ties are often perceived as being a result of his marriage. He is married to Adair Margo, current chair of the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities, appointed by George W. Bush. Adair was a Bush Pioneer [2] as well.
Margo's connections to the Bush administration run deep. The Margo's have enjoyed numerous sleepovers at Bush's house [3] in Austin, Texas since August of 1995, when George W. became governor of Texas. Margo received an invitation to spend the night in the Governor's Mansion before may prominant members of the Political community such as Condoleezza Rice, Dick and Lynn Cheney, and brothers Marvin and Neil Bush received invitations. The Margos spent the night at least 19 times between 1995 and the end of Bush's governatorial term in Austin. Margo began eating and sleeping-over in the White House [4] just before the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Margo himself helped run George W. Bush's El Paso Campaign and proudly launched "Maids for Bush." Margo's fundraising letters continually mention 'maids' donating funds to Margo's own campaign today. Other contributers include ASARCO, who own a heavily controversial copper refining plant centrally located in El Paso, with a close proximity to UTEP.
Margo brought Karl Rove to El Paso to speak at Temple Mt. Sinai, a Jewish Synagogue in Western El Paso, Texas.
For a year, Dee Margo was the chairman of the board of BIPAC, the business lobby PAC that heavily funds many Republicans nominees running for Congress. After noting business' influence over the 2000 elections, Margo participated in presenting the "2001 Business Citizen Award" to Lee Raymond [5], the ExxonMobil chairman who retired recently with nearly a $500M retirement package.
As President of the Greater El Paso Chamber of Commerce, he nominated Bob Jones as 'Entrepreneur of the Year', a man who made most of his money from government contracts that Republicans profess to hate. Then Margo accepted a $3,000 contribution of Bob Jones to run for the Texas Senate.
Many skeptics of Margo wish to know his position on public school funding, and how his position will effect El Paso. As of yet, Margo has been silent on the issue. Margo, who mimics the 'aw shucks' demeanor of his mentor, George W. Bush, managed to fill out only one campaign questionnaire before his consultant told him to quit. In his interview with the "Prosperity Project" of the Greater El Paso Chamber of Commerce, Margo took word for word the policy piece from the website of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a think tank funded by James Leininger, [6] a radical rightwing conservative who bankrolls projects to provide vouchers for private religious schools in Texas. If successful, Leininger's efforts would transfer tax dollars to private schools from public schools, resulting in their decimation.
Angry with Republican moderates who opposed his voucher plan, James Leininger spent $2.5-million [7] in an attempt to defeat the 14 House Republicans who voted for the Democratic alternative to Republican school finance proposals.
Leininger put $75,000 into Lorraine O Donnell's campaign to replace El Pasoan Pat Haggerty in the Texas House. O'Donnell, incidentally, failed to report Leininger's donation by election day as required by Texas law. While Margo flaunts about small donations from El Paso now, he will fill up with donations by November from Republican moneymen like James Leininger and Houston multi-millionaire homebuilder Bob Perry – the man who put up half a million dollars to launch the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth against John Kerry in the 2004 presidential campaign.
In his response in the Chamber of Commerce Voter's guide questionnaire, Margo indicates he wants to cover many more items under the Texas sales tax, at 8.25% already third highest in the nation, to pay for cuts in property taxes and then, amazingly, wants to "eliminate the franchise tax" and end all business taxes so Texas businesses pay no tax at all. No one, not even Rick Perry, has veered this far to the right. As Al Gore aptly once said, "He is so far right that the right hand does not know what the far right hand is doing!"
What would Margo's proposal do to the average El Paso family he wants to represent? According to 2000 U.S. Census numbers, the average home in El Paso is valued at $71,300 and the median household income is $32,124. According to the Texas Comptroller's estimate, Margo's proposal would raise the sales tax to17 cents on every dollar spent and would shift taxes so that 95% of El Pasoans would pay more, not less, in taxes. Only the wealthiest 5% would get any tax relief at all. And our schools? Instead of providing more money to teachers for better pay, Margo proposes cutting state spending by one per cent. Of course, Margo's proposal reflects exactly how he thinks: tax cuts are only for the wealthy. His Chamber staff used to say, "There are liberals, there are conservatives, then there is Dee."
Shortly after his so-called 'freedom ride' where he wrote what he thought, Margo got a consultant. Now, he has no proposals, only bumper stickers that hint about unity and "results."
The next few weeks will reveal Margo's radical record---his editorial in favor of ASARCO's new operating permit, his BIPAC record, his exploits with the Hispanic Chamber and a range of radical views never before seen in El Paso. We will get a sight that El Paso rarely gets---a real live radical Republican on center stage.
Let's remember this: Eliot Shapleigh's Senate vote is number 11. Under Senate rules, only his courage to do what is right and his strong voting record stand between El Paso and more CHIP cuts, more tax shifts, more hikes in tuition. Given the last decade of Bush misgovernance, given what we now know about Grover's Bathtub, does anyone really think El Paso can survive another radical Republican in the Texas Senate?
In November, El Paso voters should let Dee Margo know exactly what they think of his job application.
[edit] Controversial bulk email
- /D- Dee Minus/**//*
- /Dissing the Don/*
- Perspective and Commentary*
- by Don Kirkpatrick*
- August 31, 2006*
Here on the Border, there is a saying: “Dios los hacen y ellos se juntan -- God makes them, then they get together.”
God made Dee Margo and God made Karl Rove. In the world of politics, it was only a matter of time until they got together.
Karl Rove is known around the world as “Bush’s Brain.” That is the title of a book co-authored by /Dallas Morning News /political reporter Wayne Slater that recounts many of Rove’s political tricks through the years, ( tricks like planting a bug in his Austin office and calling the FBI to blame it on his political opponent, or calling John Mc Cain’s adopted Bangladeshi daughter “his black baby” in the 2000 South Carolina primary. Rove’s dirty tricks also included “/swift boating/” John Kerry’s verifiable heroism in the Viet Nam war when Rove’s own candidate, George W. Bush, was AWOL for a year from duty in the Texas Air National Guard. In a few weeks, Slater’s new book will outline Karl Rove’s connection to convicted Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his role in fleecing the Tiguas out of $4-million. [8]
Suffice to say that Karl Rove has perfected the black art of dirty rightwing campaigns. Now it appears those dirty tricks have come to El Paso /big time/.
When Dee Margo launched his campaign to unseat Eliot Shapleigh from the Texas Senate, in December, 2006, on Rove’s advice, he hired Kevin Shuvalov, formerly of Rove’s political consulting firm, as his campaign consultant. Kevin Shuvalov moved from Rove & Company to Bush for President in 2000 and then served as a Regional Political Director for the Republican National Committee. When Dee Margo hired Shuvalov, it meant that El Paso was in for a ride---the ugliest, nastiest dirty trick campaign of all time. Shuvalov is well-schooled in Rove’s win-at-any-cost tactics.
In February, Margo began his campaign with a Rove-inspired “push poll” designed to tarnish Senator Shapleigh. Push polls are not polls at all, but a series of questions meant to “tar and feather” an opponent. Margo’s so-called push polls were conducted by Voter/Consumer Research of Washington, D.C., and Houston, the same pollsters used by George W. Bush and Karl Rove. [9]
In the February calls, El Paso respondents were asked a series of questions like, ‘Did you know Eliot Shapleigh sued the state of Texas?’ then were asked to tell the pollster what they thought of Shapleigh. These unsuspecting El Pasoans were never informed that the lawsuit involved Judge Edward Marquez’ Court of Inquiry and that Senator Shapleigh’s /pro bono/ work helped obtain millions of dollars to benefit El Paso.
[edit] Haskins
Little did we know in the beginning that Margo’s dirty tricks would involve Hall of Fame Coach Don Haskins, one of the most beloved El Pasoans of all time.
Here’s what happened:
Several weeks ago, Dee Margo and his wife invited Don Haskins to the Adair Margo Gallery in the JDW Insurance building at Yandell and Stanton Streets. Margo told Coach Haskins that they wanted to host an ‘art show’ for him. The Margos proposed to sell Haskins’ early art from grade school and high school and earn money for him with no commission. It turns out that Coach Haskins is a pretty good artist.
For the Margos, it was a good deal: lots of publicity for their gallery and something they wanted even more -- photos of Dee Margo with “the Bear.”
The Adair Margo Gallery was packed for the Haskins show. People came to support Don Haskins and to buy some of his artwork. Part of the ‘deal’ for buyers was a photograph with Coach Haskins.
During the photo shoot, the Margos asked Don to sit for ten or so photos with Dee himself. Haskins has since remarked to close friends that he thought the request was very odd.
The next day the reason became apparent. Dee and Adair Margo asked Haskins to join the campaign to unseat Senator Eliot Shapleigh. They wanted to use Coach Haskins’ photo in TV commercials and on billboards as an endorsement of Dee Margo for State Senator.
Coach Haskins told Dee Margo what he has told every candidate who has ever asked him to join a political campaign: “Hell no.”
In 30 years, Haskins has never endorsed anyone in a political race. He has supported candidates financially as any citizen has the right to do. In fact, records show Haskins contributed $200 in 1995 and $250 in 1998 to Senator Shapleigh’s campaigns. But he has never agreed to endorse any candidate for obvious reasons: half of El Paso would be very upset. As recently as January, Coach Haskins turned down his old friend, Pat Haggerty, who asked him for an endorsement in Haggerty’s battle against a very well-financed rightwing campaign by Lorraine O’Donnell.
The Margos are aggressive, in a Rovian kind of way, so they didn’t stop with Coach Haskins’ refusal. During the next week, Adair Margo called Coach Haskins’ wife, Mary, and took her to lunch. Mrs. Haskins told Adair Margo that the coach’s answer was still “no” and that Don Haskins never changed his mind. Next, the Margos prevailed upon Bush Pioneer Jim Paul to get involved and ask Haskins to endorse the Margo candidacy. Jim Paul got the same answer from the coach: “no.”
Last week, Dee Margo apparently decided to use Haskins’ photo without the coach’s permission. In the most outrageous misappropriation of an El Paso icon, Dee Margo put Don Haskins’ photo on his “Miners for Margo” attack piece and sent it to UTEP’s season ticket holders, alumni and donors. How Margo obtained their names and addresses is the subject of open records requests to UTEP by outraged Miner fans who received Margo’s mailing and doubtless will be the subject of future lawsuits. (
Margo also may have used UTEP and MINERS designs in campaign materials and on his website without permission. (
Coach Haskins received a copy of Margo’s political piece on August 29^th and immediately called attorney Steve Tredennick, star guard from the 1965-66 NCAA Championship Miner basketball team. Tredennick has handled matters concerning /Glory Road/ and other legal issues for Coach Haskins and the team free of charge. He has represented Coach Haskins many times over the years.
The same day, Tredennick wrote Dee Margo and charged that he had misappropriated Haskins’ image without permission and demanded that Margo cease and desist from any further use of it in his political campaign. Tredennick demanded that Margo return all existing photos of him and the coach and apologize to Don Haskins for the unauthorized use of Haskins’ likeness.
Margo reportedly has apologized to Coach Haskins for his outrageous conduct.
That is where we are today.
It is fair to ask if this subterfuge was part of a larger, well-designed plot to snare the Bear into the Margo campaign.
In February, Dee and Adair Margo arranged for Coach Haskins and members of the 1966 Texas Western College NCAA National Championship basketball team to attend a special screening of the motion picture, /Glory Road, /at the Bush White House, but Coach Haskins was unable to travel to Washington because of illness. It appears the White House visit was part of a plan to insinuate Margo into Haskins’ good graces, then approach him with the offer of a profitable gallery showing of his artwork as a prelude to solicitation of his endorsement of Margo’s candidacy.
What happened here? Let’s state the obvious: Dee Margo is a far rightwing Republican. Karl Rove and Tom DeLay taught the radical right to be ruthless. Dee Margo apparently never intended to ask Don Haskins for permission to use his photograph because in Bush’s world, he may feel he was ‘entitled’ to use it.
Don Haskins deserves better. After 30 years as El Paso’s most celebrated citizen, he was used – shamefully and disrespectfully – for blatant political advantage. What drove all of this is the Rove campaign ethic: “do anything to win, at any cost.”
Last week, Margo’s campaign manger, Jessica Ellen Vickery – a former Washington lobbyist – left her post under circumstances that are unclear. Margo promptly announced Will Fullerton as her replacement with Adrian Porras as campaign coordinator and Spanish-language press coordinator. (Senator Shapleigh is fluent in Spanish and doesn’t need a Spanish-language press aide.)
When one has Karl Rove in his DNA, there is not much he can do to shed it. As we say here on the Border, “/Dios los hacen y ellos se juntan.”/
Don Kirkpatrick, an El Paso resident for 45 years, is former executive editor of the Texas Democratic Times. Currently, he edits The Demo Digest, an email political news service. To subscribe, send a blank email to [10].
The foregoing article was not paid for by any candidate or any candidate’s campaign.
If you do not wish to receive articles such as this, please reply to this message with the word ‘REMOVE’ in the subject line. SOURCE: Don Kirkpatrick E-newsletter.
[edit] El Paso Times article/Haskins
AUSTIN -- Campaign materials touting Republican Dee Margo's support from UTEP alumni and displaying an unauthorized photo of the Texas Senate candidate with retired coach Don Haskins has sparked a flurry of recent complaints and conspiratorial allegations.
The slogan "Miners for Margo" along with a miner's pickax has been splashed across fundraiser invitations, banners and campaign mail sent out last week.
The mailer also contained a photo of Margo with the legendary UTEP basketball coach, an image Haskins said he did not approve for campaign use.
Margo said that his opponent, Democratic Sen. Eliot Shapleigh, orchestrated the complaints and that the University of Texas System has found no wrongdoing by the campaign.
"This is simply my opponent using others to do his bidding," Margo said.
Shapleigh and some University of Texas at El Paso alumni and supporters, though, are irritated by what they view as an inappropriate use of school symbols for political purposes. And, Shapleigh indicated, he wonders whether UTEP administrators he has clashed with in the past are complicit in the association.
"What is clear," Shapleigh said, "is that when the UT regents ordered administrators to move UTEP to a 50 percent graduation rate or lose their jobs, many were upset."
Retired basketball Coach Haskins said he has rebuffed repeated Margo campaign requests for an endorsement. The photos, he said, were taken at an art show at the Adair Margo Art Gallery, which is owned by Dee Margo's wife.
Haskins said he called his lawyer Monday and told him to ask the campaign to stop using his image.
"I simply do not endorse political candidates," Haskins said.
Using the Haskins photo, Margo said, was a mistake for which he has taken full responsibility and has apologized to the former coach.
Barry Burgdorf, University of Texas System vice chancellor and general counsel, said he has received several similar letters asking about university rules regarding political involvement and whether the Margo campaign activities were prohibited.
UTEP donors Ralph Adame, Mike Wendt and Chris Balsiger sent one of the complaint letters to UT System Chairman James Huffines.
"We find this behavior by UTEP very disturbing, and we want to know what if anything can be done to do to stop it!" they said in the letter.
Wendt, vice president of Laser Tech Inc., said he, Adame and Balsiger -- who together have given Shapleigh more than $14,000 since 2000, according to Texas Ethics Commission records -- were concerned over the appropriateness of the university's activities.
"The point was, was this proper?" Wendt said. "I think I would have the same questions in regards to things Senator Shapleigh does in his campaigning or anyone else."
Though he said he spoke with Shapleigh before and after sending the letter, Wendt said he sent it of his own accord and was not asked to do so.
Shapleigh said he did not organize the complaint letter writing.
UT System lawyer Burgdorf said he investigated any possible connections between university officials or funds and the campaign.
State law prohibits public universities from financially supporting candidates and from using or permitting the use of their programs to influence elections.
"We zealously guard our neutrality in political matters," Burgdorf said. "And if there is anything that's inappropriate, we will police it, but we just haven't been brought any evidence of that so far."
In a response letter to Wendt, Burgdorf said neither university officials nor the campaign had violated either the law or system rules. He said others legitimately use slogans such as Texas A&M "Aggies for (Gov. Rick) Perry" and UT Austin "Longhorns for (U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey) Hutchison."
That response, though, did not satisfy Adame. He said it leaves the university open to become political fodder for all campaigns.
"The university is being dragged into a political campaign, and if it can be used in this campaign, I'm sure it can be used in others" he said.
Steve DeGroat, a UTEP alumnus who is also on the school's development board, was a host of the Miners for Margo campaign fundraiser June 8.
DeGroat gave Margo's campaign $900 in the first six months of this year, ethics commission records show. He said he has supported Shapleigh in the past but grew weary of a rocky relationship between the senator and university administrators.
Along with other disgruntled UTEP alumni, DeGroat said he offered to help the Margo campaign raise more money.
"It's not an official function supported by the university," he said. "It's an unofficial group of alumni."
Shapleigh, in the past, has sparred publicly with UTEP President Diana Natalicio over placement of a biomedical building on the campus.
Recently, he has harshly criticized administrators for the school's low graduation rate -- less than 5 percent of students graduate in four years. And he encouraged the UT System to require its institutions to graduate students faster.
"When UTEP has a 4.5 percent graduate rate, we can, we must, we will improve," he said. "If that causes controversy, then so be it."
This year, the UT Board of Regents called on its university presidents to make and implement plans to improve graduation rates or face tough consequences. UTEP has implemented a plan to increase its graduation rates significantly by 2015.
Despite the disagreements, Shapleigh has worked to support funding for UTEP at the Capitol, he said.
"Our record is the best in UTEP history," he said.
Richard Adauto, UTEP vice president for institutional advancement, said Miners for Margo "has nothing to do with the university."
Implications that university officials are allowing or encouraging association with the Margo campaign because of past differences, Adauto said, are "just bogus allegations being thrown out there for the hell of it."
Margo said hints of conspiracy between his campaign and UTEP are Shapleigh's efforts to deflect criticism of his record in the Texas Senate.
Margo, the JDW Insurance CEO, who has lived in El Paso for 30 years, said he would be more supportive of the city's university.
"I think advocacy goes a whole lot further than adversity," he said.
Brandi Grissom may be reached at; (512) 479-6606.
El Paso Times sports writer Bill Knight contributed to this report.
SOURCE: [11]
[edit] Additional From The El PAso Times:
[edit] Additional from
[edit] El Paso Times/Norma Chavez
AUSTIN -- State Rep. Norma Chávez said Republican Texas Senate candidate Dee Margo is not telling the full story about a conversation the two had last year.
"I would appreciate it if you would conclude with the facts," Chávez, D-El Paso, said in a polite but pointed letter to Margo dated Sept. 12.
In at least one speech Margo gave to the El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, he said that Chávez called last year to ask for his assistance in passing a bill.
In the Aug. 16 speech, Margo said Chávez told him state Sen. Eliot Shapleigh could not get the job done, said Tanny Berg, who attended the event.
Margo, CEO of JDW Insurance, is running against Shapleigh, D-El Paso.Ê
"The suggestion was that Senator Shapleigh is ineffective," said Berg, a real estate developer and investor.
Shapleigh declined to comment.
A spokeswoman for Margo said that the candidate had not received the letter and that Chávez is trying to change her story more than a year after the fact.
"It's an unfortunate circumstance," said spokeswoman Elizabeth Margo. "É Dee has always worked as much as he could to help legislators who needed help passing bills."
Chávez, in the letter, said she asked for Margo's help because legislators were approaching end-of-the-session deadlines last May.
Chávez had drafted a bill, which Shapleigh co-sponsored, that would create a task force to study underage drinking and teen drug problems along the border. But several steps remained in the legislative process.
Nervous that the bill would not make it through the deadlines, Chávez said, she called Margo and asked him to call a state senator he knows well. She wanted to attach her measure to a bill already well along in the process by Sen. Craig Estes, R-Wichita Falls.
Chávez said she routinely calls El Paso business men and women who have relationships with legislative leaders.
But it turned out the backup measure Chávez asked for help with was unnecessary. The bill Chávez and Shapleigh worked on passed the House and Senate and made it to the governor's desk.
"I felt it necessary to set the record straight and be very clear that I support and have endorsed Senator Shapleigh," she said.
Article Launched: 09/21/2006 12:00:00 AM MDT
Chávez asks Margo to clarify 2005 conversation By Brandi Grissom / Austin Bureau
[edit] SOURCES
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