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Solidar is a group of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) which work in development and humanitarian aid, social policy, social service provision and life-long learning. The alliance work internationally with trade unions, labour movement groups and others.
The members of Solidar are:
- AIF (Denmark)
- Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund e.V. (Germany)
- Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bundesverband e.V. (Germany)
- Associacao de Servicio de Apoio Social (Portugal)
- COCIS (Italy)
- FCD Solidarité Socialiste (Belgium)
- Fédération Européenne de l’Education et de la Culture (France)
- FOS (Belgium)
- Humanitas (Netherlands)
- International Federation of Workers’ Education Association (UK)
- International Solidarity Foundation (Finland)
- ISCOD (Spain)
- ISCOS, CISL (Italy)
- Lega Provinciale Cooperative, (Italy)
- La Ligue Française de l’Enseignement (France)
- MPDL (Spain)
- National Pensioners Convention (UK)
- Norwegian Peoples Aid (Norway)
- OGBL Solidarité Syndicale (Luxembourg)
- Olof Palme Centre (Sweden)
- One World Action (UK)
- Programa Laboral de Desarrollo, PLADES (Peru)
- Progetto Sviluppo (CGIL)(Italy)
- Schweizerisches Arbeiterhilfswerk (Switzerland)
- Solidaridad Internacional (Spain)
- TSL Workers’ Education Association (Finland)
- Volkshilfe Österreich (Austria)
- War on Want (UK)