Solange Fernex

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Solange Fernex was a French pacifist activist and politician, born on 15 April 1934 at Strasbourg, France, and deceased from cancer on 11 September 2006, at Biederthal, France.

She leaded Europe-Ecologie list for the first European elections in 1979. This list got 4,39% of votes, with a total of 888,134 votes.

In 1983, she participated to the Fast for Life, fasting 40 days in Paris for nuclear disarmament.

In 1984 she participated to the foundation of the Green Party.

She received in Septembre 2000, for her engagement against nuclear weapons, the "Nuclear-Free Future Award".

[edit] Bibliography

  • Elisabeth Schulthess, Solange Fernex, l'insoumise. Ecologie, féminisme, non-violence, Collection Ecologie, Ed. Yves Michel, octobre 2004. ISBN 2-913492274
  • (Témoignages recueillis par) Solange Fernex, La vie pour la vie: jeûne pour la vie: août-septembre 83, Ed. Utovie, Collection Pour que la joie demeure, 1985.
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