Sociology of sport

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Sociology of sport is an area of sociology that focuses on sport as a social phenomenon and on the social structures, patterns, and organizations or groups engaged in sport.

The first texts on sport sociology appeared in the early 1920's; however, this sub-discipline of sociology did not fully develop until the 1960's, prominently in Europe and North America. Scholars from both physical education and sociology formed the International Committee for the Sociology of Sport (ICSS) in 1965, presently known as the Sociology of Sport Association.

Current research areas include: sport and socialisation, sport and social stratification, sport subcultures, the political economy of sport, sport and deviance, sport and the media, sport, the body and the emotions, sports violence, sport politics and national identity, sport and globalisation. [1]

Several colleges and universities currently teach courses in sociology of sport, and graduate degree majors are offered at an increasing number of schools.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

  • International Sociology of Sport Association [2]
  • North American Society for the Sociology of Sport [3]
  • Sociology of Sport Journal [4]
  • University of Leicester, MA Sociology of Sport [5]

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