Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia

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Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia is a Masonic Christian order whose members are drawn from the ranks of subscribing Master Masons of a Grand Lodge in amity with United Grand Lodge of England.


[edit] History

The society claims a link to the original Rosicrucian Brotherhood and bases its teachings on those found in the Fama and Confessio Fraternitas published in the early 1600s in Germany along with other similar publications from the same time.

The society was founded in 1867, derived from the Societas Rosicruciana in Scotia, following the admission of William James Hughan and Robert Wentworth Little into that order. These Fraters were advanced quickly in Scotland and granted a warrant to form a Society in England. The formation meeting took place on 1 June 1867 in Aldermanbury, London with Frater Little elected Supreme Magus.

[edit] Membership Requirements

The society requires all aspirants for membership to declare a belief in the fundamental principals of the Trinitarian Christian faith and offers assistance to all its members in working out the great problems of nature and science.

As such it is a unique order offering much to the enquiring mind and other than having a membership limited to Christian Freemasons (who are Master Masons) has no other Masonic links or ties.

[edit] Structure and Governance

The Order is subdivided into:

1st Order

Members of the 1st Order(Fratres) meet in a College which is equivalent to a Freemasons Lodge. A College is empowered to confer the first four degrees of the society which are known as Grades.
Grade I - Zelator
Grade II - Theoricus
Grade III - Practicus
Grade IV - Philosophus
A minimum of six months must elapse between the receipt of grades however the emphasis on the work of the society is learning therefore every member is encouraged to deliver a paper of their own work on some topic of interest in open college.

2nd Order

This is equivalent to a Masonic Provincial Grand Lodge headed by a Chief Adept and his deputy (Suffragan) who have jurisdiction over all first order Colleges within the Province.
The Chief Adept is empowered to confer three further Grades at this level to deserving Fratres of Grade IV who have been a member of the Society for a minimum of four years.
Grade V - Adeptus Minor
Grade VI - Adeptus Major
Grade VII - Adeptus Exemptus
A minimum of one year must elapse between the receipt of grades at this level.
A member can only serve as the Celebrant (Master) of a College of the First Order after receiving the Grade of Adeptus Exemptus.

3rd Order

This is equivalent to a Grand Lodge headed by a Supreme Magus, Senior Substitute Magus and Junior Substitute Magus.
Members of the second order who have given service to the society and been selected by the Supreme Magus for such advancement may be awarded a further two Grades.
Grade VIII - Magister
Grade IX - Magus

[edit] Influences

In 1888, three members of SRIA formed the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which removed the restriction on membership, allowing non-Christians, non-Freemasons, and women to join. A great deal of the SRIA structure survived in the new order, which went on to greatly influence (some might say cause) the modern occult revival in the 20th century.

[edit] Known members

[edit] External links

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