Sociedad Académica de Amantes del País

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Sociedad Académica de Amantes del País (Academic Society of Lovers of the Country) was established in 1790 for the purpose of discussing the national matters. This group, which recognized as founder Joseph Rossi and Ruby, was shaped by José Maria Egaña, Demetrio Guasque, Hipólito Unanue and Jacinto Calero y Moreira. The four first ones together with another two acquaintances for the pseudonyms of Mindirido and Agelasto, more three ladies known as Dorálice, Florida and Egeria, three years had met behind during little less than one year, forming the Society Harmonica, to discuss literature and the public news. This Society was the base of the Academic Society of Lovers of the Country.

The members of the Academic Society of Lovers of the Country decided to capture in the role the topics of his conversations. This way there was born a newspaper to which they called the Peruvian Mercury of History, Literature and Public News. Soon, for the immensity of the treated matters, they turned out to be forced to incorporate other members. On January 2, 1791 there went out the first number of the Peruvian Mercury and had a good reception, being counted 220 subscribers. These reached 398 in the best of his moments. The competition for the survival, the subscribers, was hard between the Newspaper of Lima and the Peruvian Mercury and it would be more rigorous after a new newspaper appears. In effect, on June 12, 1791 the Critical Weekly paper appeared, for work of the Spanish Franciscan Brother Antonio Olavarrieta. This weekly paper would die with the number 16.

The biggest contribution of the Peruvian Mercury was the fact that for the first time, from the arribo of the Spanish to this part of the continent, there was established the concept of Peru as nation or country and of peruanidad as feeling. Notable member of the Academic Society of Lovers of the Country was the doctor Hipólito Unanue; therefore, it is interesting to us to know the participation of the doctors of the epoch and the content of the medical topics in this publication.

[edit] Publications

  • Grupo Historiem (Lima, Peru) (2001). Ensayos : sociedad, religiosidad y arte en el Perú (in Spanish). Lima, Peru: Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Facultad Humanidades, Escuela Profesional de Historia. OCLC 51111784. 

[edit] See also