Socialist People's Party (Norway)

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Socialist People's Party (in Norwegian: Sosialistisk Folkeparti) was splinter group of the Norwegian Labour Party (DNA). SF was mainly dissatisfied with the pro-NATO/EEC external policies of DNA. A group around the magazine Orientering had been expelled from DNA. SF was founded in 1961.

In the mid-1960s the youth organization of SF, Sosialistisk Ungdomsfylking, started orientating istelf towards revolutionary marxism, which caused a split in 1969. The product of the split was that SUF broke away, renamed itself SUF(m-l) and launched the Workers' Communist Party (marxist-leninist).

Following the split, Sosialisisk Folkepartis Ungdom became the new SF youth wing. SF lost its parliamentary representation in 1969, but in 1972 a DNA MP, Arne Kielland, joined SF.

SF was the driving force behind the formation of Sosialistisk Valgforbund, which later emerged into Sosialistisk Venstreparti. SV can largely be seen as the direct successor of SF.

[edit] Election results, parliamentary elections 1961-1969

Year Percentage of votes Number of representatives in the Storting
1961 2.4% 2
1965 6.0% 2
1969 3.4% 0

[edit] SF party leaders:

  • 1961-1969 : Knut Løfsnes
  • 1969-1971 : Torolv Solheim
  • 1971-1973 : Finn Gustavsen
  • 1973-1975 : Stein Ørnhøi