Socialist Party of Florida

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Socialist Party of Florida
Chair special election in process 2007
Co-chair special election in process 2007
Secretary/Treasurer special election in process 2007
Address Socialist Party of Florida
P.O.Box 22953
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33335
Founded 1910
Political ideology Democratic socialism
National affiliation Socialist Party USA
Color(s) Red and/or Pink
Website SPF
The SPF is a multi-tendency political Party

The Socialist Party of Florida (SPF) is a democratic socialist party that is the Florida state affiliate of Socialist Party USA. Like the national party, the SPF is a multi-tendency party based in the ideals of Eugene V. Debs and Norman Thomas. It advocates a broad-based, democratic social revolution from below rather than an undemocratic seizure of power. Their youth affiliate is the Young People's Socialist League.


[edit] History

The Socialist Party of America was founded in 1901, its Florida affiliate in 1910. In 1972-1973 the SPA split into three groups: the Social Democrats USA, a social democratic think tank; the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee, a socialist caucus in the Democratic Party; and the Socialist Party USA, an independent third party. The current Socialist Party of Florida was refounded on March 16, 1998 as an affiliate of the Socialist Party USA.

[edit] Candidates for office

[edit] Gubernatorial candidates

  • 2006 - Atlee Yarrow

[edit] U.S. Senatorial candidates

[edit] U.S. Representatives candidates

1st District
2nd District
3rd District
4th District

[edit] External links

Website: Socialist Party of Florida

Affiliated with:

Caucuses & Tendencies:

Elections: A resolution was passed by the SP-USA National Committee that revoked the SPF Charter and calls for a state convention to elect new officers by June 10, 2007. Letter of Suspending State Charter for Socialist Party of Florida

All Officer's seats are open for election at the state convention. A member must be in good standing for six months or more to run or be elected to office.


State Locals: Locals' Forum

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