Socialist Alternative (US)

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Socialist Alternative is a socialist organization in the United States. Socialist Alternative is a Trotskyist organization that is affiliated with the international Trotskyist grouping Committee for a Workers International.


[edit] About

Socialist Alternative is a national organization whose members organize in workplaces, communities, and campuses. Socialist Alternative has members who are union activists fighting for workers' rights and militant, democratic unions; people of color speaking out against racism, students organizing against sweatshops and war, immigrants demanding papers for all undocumented workers, women and men organizing against sexism and homophobia.

Socialist Alternative campaigns for the building of a mass workers' party to represent the interests of workers, youth, and the environment against the Democratic Party and Republican Party, both of which they consider to be parties of big business.

Socialist Alternative sees the global capitalist system as the root cause of terrorism, war, poverty, discrimination, and environmental destruction. As capitalism moves deeper into crisis and recession, Socialist Alternative believes that a new generation of workers and youth must join together to take the top 500 corporations into public ownership.

Socialist Alternative believes that the former governments of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe (until 1989-1991) were dictatorships that they consider to have been perversions of what they consider socialism to really be about. Socialist Alternative is for democratic socialism where people will have control over their daily lives.

Socialist Alternative is in political solidarity with the Committee for a Workers' International, a worldwide socialist organization in 37 countries, on every continent.

[edit] History

In the United States (and in Canada), Socialist Alternative originated as Labour Militant in 1986.

[edit] Publications

Socialist Alternative publishes a bimonthly newspaper called Justice.

In Boston, Massachusetts, Socialist Alternative publishes a bimonthly newsletter called The Boston Organizer.

[edit] External links