Social Radical Democrats

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Social Radical Democrats (in Swedish: Socialradikala Demokrater) is a political party in Ljusdal, Sweden. The party emerged prior to the 2005 Church Assembly elections in Ljusdal when ten Social Democratic Party members refused to accept the party's nomination results and decided to contest the elections separately on their own list. The Social Radical Democrats ran on a programme of hostility to the Social Democrats, loudly accusing it of undemocratic practices, and received 21.2% of the vote and five seats in the Parish Council. The ten members were later expelled from the Social Democrats. The party has later merged with another local party (Rädda Ljusdalsbygden) to contest the 2006 municipal elections in Ljusdal. The party's defining characteristic continues to be its expressed hostility to the Social Democrats, criticism of whom features prominently in every piece of material published by the Social Radical Democrats.