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SOCKS is an Internet protocol that allows client-server applications to transparently use the services of a network firewall. SOCKS is an abbreviation for "SOCKetS" [1].

Clients behind a firewall, needing to access exterior servers, may connect to a SOCKS proxy server instead. Such proxy server controls the eligibility of the client to access the external server and passes the request on to the server. SOCKS can also be used in the opposite way, allowing the clients outside the firewall ("exterior clients") to connect to servers inside the firewall (internal servers).

The protocol was originally developed by David Koblas, a system administrator of MIPS Computer Systems. After MIPS was taken over by Silicon Graphics in 1992, Koblas presented a paper on SOCKS at that year's Usenix Security Symposium and SOCKS became publicly available.[1] The protocol was extended to version 4 by Ying-Da Lee of NEC.

Unofficial SOCKS 4a extensions add support for DNS names to resolve names with SOCKS server. The current version 5 of the protocol, RFC 1928 or authenticated firewall traversal, extends the previous version by supporting UDP, authentication, letting the SOCKS server resolve hostnames for the SOCKS client, and IPv6.

The SOCKS reference architecture and client are owned by Permeo Technologies,[2] a spin-off from NEC.[3]

According to the OSI model it is an intermediate layer between the application layer and the transport layer.


[edit] SOCKS 4 protocol

A typical SOCKS 4 connection request looks like this (each number is one byte):

Client to Socks Server:

field 1: socks version number, 1 byte, must be 0x04 for this version
field 2: command code, 1 byte:-
  0x01 = establish a tcp/ip stream connection
  0x02 = establish a tcp/ip port binding
field 3: network byte order port number, 2 bytes
field 4: network byte order ip address, 4 bytes
field 5: the user id string, variable length, terminated with a null (0x00)

Server to socks client:

field 1: null byte
field 2: status, 1 byte:-
  0x5a = request granted, 
  0x5b = request rejected or failed,
  0x5c = request failed because client is not running identd (or not reachable from the server)
  0x5d = request failed because client's identd could not confirm the user id string in the request
field 3: network byte order port number, 2 bytes
field 4: network byte order ip address, 4 bytes


This is a socks 4 request to connect Fred to, the server replies with an "OK."

  Client: 0x04 | 0x01 | 0x00 0x50 | 0x42 0x66 0x07 0x63 | 0x46 0x72 0x65 0x64 0x00
  Server: 0x00 | 0x5a | 0x00 0x50 | 0x42 0x66 0x07 0x63

From this point on any data sent from the socks client to the socks server will be relayed to and vice versa.

The command field can be 0x01 for "connect" or 0x02 for "bind". "bind" allows incoming connections for protocols like active FTP.

[edit] SOCKS 4a protocol

SOCKS 4a is a simple extension to SOCKS 4 protocol that allows a client that cannot resolve the destination host's domain name to specify it.

The client should set the first three bytes of DSTIP to NULL and the last byte to a non-zero value (This corresponds to IP address 0.0.0.x, with x nonzero, an inadmissible destination address and thus should never occur if the client can resolve the domain name). Following the NULL byte terminating USERID, the client must send the destination domain name and terminate it with another NULL byte. This is used for both CONNECT and BIND requests.

Client to Socks Server:

field 1: socks version number, 1 byte, must be 0x04 for this version
field 2: command code, 1 byte:-
  0x01 = establish a tcp/ip stream connection
  0x02 = establish a tcp/ip port binding
field 3: network byte order port number, 2 bytes
field 4: deliberate invalid IP address, 4 bytes, first three must be 0x00 and the last one must not be 0x00
field 5: the user id string, variable length, terminated with a null (0x00)
field 6: the domain name of the host we want to contact, variable length, terminated with a null (0x00)

Server to socks client:

field 1: null byte
field 2: status, 1 byte:-
  0x5a = request granted, 
  0x5b = request rejected or failed,
  0x5c = request failed because client is not running identd (or not reachable from the server)
  0x5d = request failed because client's identd could not confirm the user id string in the request
field 3: network byte order port number, 2 bytes
field 4: network byte order ip address, 4 bytes

A server using protocol 4A must check the DSTIP in the request packet. If it represents address 0.0.0.x with nonzero x, the server must read in the domain name that the client sends in the packet. The server should resolve the domain name and make connection to the destination host if it can.

[edit] SOCKS 5 protocol

An extension of the SOCKS 4 protocol that offers more choices of authentication. The initial handshake now consists of the following:-

 Client connects and sends a greeting which includes a list of authentication methods supported.
 Server chooses one (or sends a failure response if none of the offered methods are acceptable).
 Several messages may now pass between the client and the server depending on the authentication method chosen.
 Client sends a connection request similar to SOCKS4.
 Server responds similar to SOCKS4.

The authentication methods supported are numbered as follows:-

  0x00 - No authentication
  0x01 - GSSAPI
  0x02 - Username/Password
  0x03..0x7F - methods assigned by IANA
  0x80..0xFE - methods reserved for private use

The initial greeting from the client is:-

  field 1: socks version number, must be 0x05 for this version
  field 2: number of authentication methods supported, 1 byte
  field 3: authentication methods, variable length, 1-byte per method supported

The server's choice is communicated:-

  field 1: socks version, 1 byte, 0x05 for this version
  field 2: chosen authentication method, 1 byte, or 0xFF when no acceptable methods were offered.

The subsequent authentication is method-dependent.

The client's connection request is:-

field 1: socks version number, 1 byte, must be 0x05 for this version
field 2: command code, 1 byte:-
  0x01 = establish a tcp/ip stream connection
  0x02 = establish a tcp/ip port binding
  0x03 = associate a udp port
field 3: reserved, must be 0x00
field 4: address type, 1 byte:-
  0x01 = IP V4 address (address field is 4 bytes long)
  0x03 = Domain name (address field is variable)
  0x04 = IP V6 address (address field is 16 bytes long)
field 5: destination address, 4/16 bytes or 1+domain name length.
  If address type is 0x03 then the address consists of a length byte followed by the domain name.
field 6: network byte order port number, 2 bytes

Server response:-

field 1: socks protocol version, 1 byte, 0x05 for this version
field 2: status, 1 byte:-
  0x00 = request granted, 
  0x01 = general failure,
  0x02 = connection not allowed by ruleset
  0x03 = network unreachable
  0x04 = host unreachable
  0x05 = connection refused by destination host
  0x06 = TTL expired
  0x07 = command not supported / protocol error
  0x08 = address type not supported
field 3: reserved, 0x00
field 4: address type, 1 byte:-
  0x01 = IP V4 address (address field is 4 bytes long)
  0x03 = Domain name (address field is variable)
  0x04 = IP V6 address (address field is 16 bytes long)
field 5: destination address, 4/16 bytes or 1+domain name length.
  If address type is 0x03 then the address consists of a length byte followed by the domain name.
field 6: network byte order port number, 2 bytes

[edit] SOCKS servers

List of SOCKS servers programs:

[edit] SOCKS clients

There are client programs that socksify [4], which allows adaptation of any software to connect to external networks via SOCKS.

List of SOCKS clients:

  • * HTTP-Tunnel - Commercial tunneling client for Windows - free for low bandwidth
Client License Version Release date Platform Support
[5] HTTP-Tunnel Client 4.4.400 01/2007 Windows v4, v5, HTTP, Socks
Dante client BSD/Carnegie Mellon University 1.1.19 01/2006 POSIX v4, v5, HTTP
dsocks GPL 1.6 10/2006 *BSD, Mac OS X v4, v5
FreeCap GPL 3.18 02/2006 Windows v4, v5, HTTPS
Proxifier Shareware 2.6 02/2007 Windows, Mac OS X v4, v5, HTTPS
ProxyCap Single or multiuser fee 3.01 - Windows -
SocksCap Non-Commercial home use 2.38 06/2005 Windows v4, v5
tsocks GPL 1.8 10/2002 POSIX (source) v4, v5
nylon 3-clause BSD 1.2.1 07/2006 OpenBSD v4, v5
socat GPL 1.6 03/2007 POSIX -
Hummingbird socks Freeware - - Windows v4, v5
TunnelIt Shareware 1.4 - Windows -
GNet Library GPL 2.0.7 02/2005 POSIX (source) v4, v5
proxychains GPL 3.1 05/2006 POSIX (source) v4, v5, HTTPS
connect GPL 1.95 08/2006 Windows,POSIX v4, v5, HTTPS

[edit] References

  1. ^ Darmohray, Tina. "Firewalls and fairy tales". ;LOGIN:. Vol 30, no. 1.

[edit] External links

[edit] F.A.Q.

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