Smokescreen (Transformers)

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Smokescreen is the name of several different fictional characters in the Transformers universes.


[edit] Transformers: Generation 1 (1985)

Transformers character
Box Artwork.
Allegiance Autobot (Cybertron)
Sub-Group Autobot Cars
Function Diversionary Tactician
Motto "A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal."
Alternate Mode Nissan Fairlady Z/Datsun 280ZX-R
Series Transformers: Generation 1
Voiced by Jack Angel (English)
Masashi Ebara (Japanese)

Smokescreen (Écran de Fumée in Canada, Leo in Italy) Is one of the second year Autobot Cars in the Transformers series.

Smokescreen's toy was remolded from Prowl and Bluestreak, itself originating from an earlier line named Diaclone. Smokescreen's vehicle mode was based on an actual existing car - a 1979 Datsun 280ZX race car in the Electramotive livery and driven by the team founder Don Devendorf, which won eight IMSA GTU races in two years and the both titles for make and driver for Devendorf in 1979 who followed it with another drivers title for the GTO category in 1982 before later going onto better things at the mainstay GTP category as a team owner in the late '80s and early '90s. Devendorf's car was accurately recreated, except that his number 83 was changed to a 38.

Smokescreen's bio originally indicated that while he appeared calm and easy-going, he was in reality the closest thing the Autobots had to someone who thought like a Decepticon. He would cheat to win without hesitation, and often covers his true goals from even his fellow Autobots. Autobot leaders even use him as a spy amongst the ranks at times.

[edit] Animated series


Smokescreen originally appeared in "Dinobot Island pt 1". Smokescreen was used quite frequently in season 2, taking the starring role in the episode The Gambler. This saw him strike a deal with a gambler named Bosh in order to save his fellow Autobots - he would win Energon for Bosh if Bosh used some of it to reactivate the others. Predictably cheating his way to victory, he was caught and lost all his winnings. With the help of Devcon he and Bosh ended up battling and defeating Astrotrain, Dirge and Ramjet. After this Bosh freed the other Autobots. The cartoon actually made use of his job, too - in The Key To Vector Sigma, for example, his smoke saved the Autobot's superfuel after Prowl's security detail was compromised, and in Auto Berzerk he downed the famed Seekers - including Starscream - with his disruptors.

Smokescreen was not amongst the Autobots whose death was shown in The Transformers: The Movie, although an animation mistake which colored the body of the deceased Wheeljack in red did caused some speculation - indeed, the storyboard of this scene clearly depicts Smokescreen's dead body, not Wheeljack's. Smokescreen did not appear in the post-movie Season Three, and so it is generally assumed that, even if he was not featured in this particular scene (or even the movie for that matter), that he was killed in the attack on Autobot City. If this was not the case, neither animators nor series editors for Season 3 made an effort to alleviate confusions regarding which characters' deaths in the movie were included, or excluded.

Smokescreen appears in the Japanese opening for season 3, leading to fan speculation he may still be alive.

[edit] Marvel Comics

Smokescreen first appeared in issue 14 of the Marvel Transformers comic. Here, he was brought to life alongside Grapple, Hoist,Skids and Tracks via the downloading of their personalities and Sparks from storage. Bumblebee took all bar Grapple on a tour of the surrounding area - but ended up in a trial by fire when the Decepticons tried to steal sonic energy from a rock concert. The group battled Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker, defeating them, but left when the humans accused them of sabotaging the concert.


After this, Smokescreen played more of a peripheral role, battling the Decepticons, but not having any major roles. He was one of the many casualties when trying to stop the Underbase powered Starscream. He was not shown to be revived, but returned in the pages of the Transformers: Generation 2 comic, where he accompanied Grimlock on a disastrous raid on Jhiaxus' forces. After this, he battled against Jhiaxus forces under Optimus Prime's command - only to be killed by a squad of Jhiaxus' troopers alongside Ironhide.

The Smokescreen of the post-The Transformers: The Movie universe appeared in the Marvel UK comics, most prominently in the "Legacy of Unicron" arc. He and Inferno were dispatched to escort Wreck-Gar back to the Junk. There, they discovered it had been taken over by the decapitated head of Unicron. The two escaped to warn Rodimus Prime, leaving Wreck-Gar behind to free his people, with Inferno being badly injured by the mind-controlled bounty hunter Death's Head. The two arrived on Cybertron - only to discover that Unicron's puppets Cyclonus and Scourge had launched an all-out Decepticon assault. The Decepticons badly damaged the shuttle, and Smokescreen refused to leave his injured friend. Inferno had other ideas and bodily threw him through the windshield to safety, before crashing and killing as many Decepticons as he could. Smokescreen returned to Junk with Prime and the Dinobots, determined to avenge Inferno, and contributing to the Chaos-Bringer's eventual defeat.

[edit] Toys

[edit] Transformers: Binaltech/Alternators (2003)

Smokescreen Vehicle Mode.
Smokescreen Vehicle Mode.
Smokescreen Robot Mode.
Smokescreen Robot Mode.

Smokescreen was the first Transformer to be released in the highly anticipated Alternators/Binaltech toy line by Hasbro/Takara. Smokescreen's alternate mode is a Subaru Impreza WRC (2003). Smokescreen captures a fantastic amount of detail from the real car while still providing plenty of poseability in robot form. Smokescreen comes with an engine turned into an "Electro-Disruptor Rifle". The Alternators rear view mirror is inset and painted silver while the Binaltech is reflective and solid.

He was still a racing version of a production car - this time, however, the 2003 Subaru Impreza World Rally Championship car, driven by Petter Solberg. His character card explained that he had been revived by Subaru's STI tuning group, who had built his new body, and that he was more dedicated to dispelling fear and apprehension amongst his comrades than ever.

Smokescreen is very faithful to the original generation one Smokescreen. He has many similarities beyond the name and the fact that he is a blue vehicle which makes him easily recognizable as a Transformers Smokescreen such as:

  • Arms that fold up into the engine compartment
  • Rear window becoming the shins
  • Side doors becoming "wings"
  • Very similar face and helmet

While the Alternator line only released one Smokescreen, the Binaltech line released two. They were very similar, but had a few minor differences to accurately depict the two distinct WRC cars:

  • The number seven or eight was printed on the top and on the doors.
  • The number seven version license plate is "S40WRT" while the number eight license plate reads "S30WRT"
  • There is an image of a cartoon pig on the side view mirrors of only the number seven version.
  • The number seven version of the car has the names of Solberg and Mills on the rear door windows while the number eight version has the names of Makinen and Lindstrom, indicating the names of the drivers of each respective car. Each name has the flag of that drivers' nationality next to it.

Smokescreen was later remolded into Silverstreak and Smokescreen GT. His bio indicates he still plays his morale boosting role within the Autobot ranks.

[edit] Smokescreen GT (2004)

In 2004, the seventh Binaltech character was released, as Smokescreen GT. Based on the first Binaltech incarnation of Smokscreen, BT-01, the GT version was modified to resemble the 2004 World Rally Championship Subaru Imprezas. Changes to the mold included revised front bumper, grille and wheels, and deco changes included revised sponsor labels and driver details. Smokescreen GT also included a missile launcher accessory, and was available in variations with either "1" or "2" on the door. Smokescreen GT was not released into the Alternators toyline.

To explain the presence of the Smokescreen GT, the Binaltech story offers the following, also translated by Doug Dlin: In conjunction with Smokescreen's volunteering, the EDC's Advanced Technologies Development Bureau conducted the customization and function expansion of a GT System-compatible model in an experimental base, using the latest BT-model body frame made by Subaru. The "life force" that is the source of a TF's life is propagated through its entire body by a "laser core," which is at the center of a force field. The GT System separately contains this laser core outside the body in subspace storage, and by synchronously connecting with translink ports installed on each BT terminal, it is able to breathe life into each of the multiply duplicated personality data. Each unit's memory data undergoes integration processing after it returns from an operation.

[edit] Transformers: Titanium (2006)

Smokescreen was released in 2006 as a non-transforming 3 inch tall member of the Transformers: Titanium line. His form is based on the Alternators version of Smokescreen. Because this toy lacks a vehicle mode, it did not require a license from the car maker like the Alternators version did.

[edit] Transformers: Generation 2 (1994)

In addition to the original Smokescreen appearing in the G2 comic, the Generation 2 toyline featured a different character with the name Smokescreen, a Decepticon who transformed into a fighter jet and combined with Dreadwing, who transformed into a stealth bomber.

[edit] Transformers: Armada (2002)

Transformers character
Dreamwave comics.
Allegiance Autobot (Cybertron)
Sub-Group Deluxe Cars
Motto "Strike hard, strike straight."
Mini-Con Partner Liftor
Alternate Mode construction crane
Series Transformers: Armada
Voice actors Dale Wilson (English)

The name Smokescreen is reassigned to an Autobot who transforms into an orange construction crane. The name is unrelated to his personality or function, but his Japanese name in 'Micron Legend' is Grap; the Japanese name for G1 Grapple who also transforms into a construction crane. However, due to copyright reasons that name could not be used.

His bio indicated that he was an Autobot who was always in the thick of battle - not because he enjoyed it, but because he can't be bothered thinking up complex tactical manuevers. He was immensely strong, but sometimes this habit of rushing in without thinking rebounded against superior odds.

[edit] Animated series

In the cartoon, Smokescreen is the first Autobot re-enforcement to join the Autobots on Earth. In his first mission, he encountered Rad, Alexis and Carlos, who unwittingly messed up his attempt to rescue the Mini-Con Drill Bit. However, after he rescued them from Cyclonus he revealed his role to them. Smokescreen served as one of Optimus Prime's most trusted soldiers, acting as the group's sniper. He put up the most resistance when Prime welcomed the double agent Scavenger into the group, eventually making up with him after he contibuted to an Autobot victory.

Later, he was nearly killed when he sacrificed himself after to stop Megatron using the Requiem Blaster on the other Autobots. Megatron gunned him down at point-blank range, although Smokescreen refused to give up until the Decepticons had retreated.Only then did he allow himself to go offline, much to his comrades' grief. This was not the end for him, as he was rebuilt by Red Alert into a new and improved body. After this, he renames himself Hoist.

[edit] Dreamwave Productions

In Dreamwave Productions's accompanying Armada comic, Smokescreen would play a smaller role than his animated counterpart. One of the first Autobots to appear, he was unable to prevent the fall of Cyber City to the Mini-Con enhanced Decepticons. One million years later, when the signal from the escaped Mini-Cons was received, he was one of the Autobots who journeyed to Earth under Optimus Prime. After battling the Decepticons and gaining his Mini-Con partner he disappeared, with it being revealed in issue 12 that he and Scavenger had been sent to an observation post in California. He was subsequently recalled to the Autobot base after Prime's disappearance - only to be confronted by a full-scale Decepticon assault. Scavenger and Smokescreen battled Megatron and Demolishor, only for Smokescreen to get shot in the head by Megatron at point blank range. Hot Shot, Red Alert and Scavenger subsequently avenged him by knocking Megatron into Unicron's gaping maw.

Although it was not clear if Smokescreen survived or not, Hoist appeared in the subsequent Transformers: Energon comics, indicating he had died at one point, making it likely that as in the animated continuity, Smokescreen was resurrected as Hoist.

[edit] Transformers: Universe (2004)

Universe Smokescreen
Universe Smokescreen

Armada Smokescreen was repainted blue for Universe and released as part of a "Battle in a Box". He and his Mini-Con Liftor fought against Ransack and his stolen Mini-Con Refute.

A second Universe toy named Smokescreen was planned, but never released. Transformers: Armada's Powerlinx Hot Shot was recolored in Generation One Smokescreen's colors. Like Hot Shot, Smokescreen's Mini-Con partner was Jolt.

[edit] 3H Enterprises

In the Transformers: Universe comic, Armada Smokescreen and Generation One Smokescreen were both been abducted from their home dimensions by Unicron, and are forced to fight each other to the death in gladiatorial combat. Armada Smokecreen prevails in the contest. Please note that the depictions of these two combatants are of the original G1 Smokescreen and the original Armada Smokescreen; the comic was written before the Universe Smokescreen toys were created.

[edit] Transformers: Cybertron (2006)

Transformers character
Affiliation Autobot
Sub-Group Deluxe Vehicles
Alternate Modes Car
Series Transformers: Cybertron

Smokescreen was the original name given to the Autobot who was based on the Galaxy Force character Autovolt, but later Hasbro changed their minds and called him Crosswise.

The name Smokescreen was intended to be unveiled at a Transformers convention during early 2006 but never materialised. He was rumored to be a remold of a Armada toy, likely to incorporate a Cyber Planet Key. This toy may yet still be shown later.

Eventually Cybertron Smokescreen was released. A repaint of Cybertron Crosswise, but in colors a homage to the original Generation 1 Smokescreen.

[edit] External links