Smoked cheese

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Smoked cheese is any cheese that has been specially treated by smoke-curing. It typically has a yellowish-brown outer "skin," which is a result of this curing process.

Smoke curing is typically done in one of two ways: cold-smoking and hot-smoking. The cold-smoking method (which can take up to a month, depending on the food) smokes the food at between 70° to 90°F. Hot-smoking partially or completely cooks the food by treating it at temperatures ranging from 100° to 190°F. Another method of "curing" used in less expensive cheeses is to use artificial smoke flavoring to give the cheese a smoky flavoring and food coloring to give the outside the appearance of having been smoked in the more traditional manner.

Some smoked cheeses commonly sold include smoked Gruyère, smoked Gouda, Rauchkase, Scamorza and smoked Cheddar.