Smile (Beach Boys album)

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SMiLE cover
Studio album by The Beach Boys
Released Unreleased
Recorded May 1966 - May 1967
Genre Pop
Length Not determined
Label Capitol Records
Producer(s) Brian Wilson
Professional reviews

Smile is perhaps the most famous unreleased rock and roll album of all time. The title is sometimes spelled with the idiosyncratic partial capitalization SMiLE, derived from the lettering on the original cover. The project was intended by its creator Brian Wilson as the follow up to The Beach Boys' influential album Pet Sounds (1966), but was never completed in its original form. In an event unique in popular music history, the project was resurrected in 2003 and a newly recorded version was released by Beach Boys composer and leader Wilson in 2004. During the 37 years since its cancellation, Smile had acquired a considerable mystique, and bootlegged tracks from the never-completed album circulated widely among Beach Boys collectors. Many of the tracks that were originally recorded for Smile were eventually placed on subsequent albums.


[edit] The conception of Smile

In an interview, Brian Wilson dubbed the work "a teenage symphony to God." His plan was to take his work on Pet Sounds to a new level, with an album-length suite of specially-written songs that were both thematically and musically linked, and which would be recorded using the unusual sounds and innovative production techniques that had made "Good Vibrations" so successful.

The Smile story begins in Pet Sounds. On 17 February 1966, mid-way through the sessions for Pet Sounds, Brian Wilson started work on a new song, based on a statement by his mother, Audree Wilson, that dogs could feel "vibrations" from people. The result became the Beach Boys' biggest hit ever, the single "Good Vibrations," which went to #1 in both Britain and the USA. The most expensive and complex pop recording made up to that time, it still stands as a milestone in recording history. "Good Vibrations" was created by an unprecedented recording technique: nearly 30 minutes of barely-related musical sections were recorded and then painstakingly spliced together and reduced down into a three-minute pop song. Apparently everyone but Brian was skeptical, even with the end result, but the song quickly became the bands' biggest hit yet. Smile was intended to be an entire album produced in that fashion. The idea of creating an entire cohesive album from small fragments of music was bold and certainly would have been one the biggest events in musical history, but although the method undeniably worked for "Good Vibrations", Brian was unable to make any of the other songs gel. This was due in part to his rapidly declining mental condition, but must have owed also to the difficulty of the concept itself. In the end, he was left with thousands of fragments and no idea where they belonged.

Crucial to the inception of Smile was Wilson's collaboration with singer, musician, composer and lyricist Van Dyke Parks, whom Wilson invited to write lyrics for the new album in spring 1966; at that time the project was still provisionally titled Dumb Angel. The two quickly formed a close and fruitful working relationship and between April and September of 1966; they co-wrote a number of major songs including "Surf's Up," "Heroes and Villains," "Wonderful," "Cabin Essence," and "Wind Chimes," all of which were written in the famous sandbox that Brian had installed in his home. Their first collaboration was "Heroes and Villains," and it is reported that when Wilson played the song's descending melody line to him, Parks devised the opening line on the spot. Their most acclaimed song, "Surf's Up," was written in a single night.

Pet Sounds lyricist Tony Asher wrote the original lyrics for "Good Vibrations." The hit version released in October 1966 featured a new set of lyrics co-written by Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys' Mike Love. Wilson had in fact asked Parks to write new lyrics for "Good Vibrations", but Parks declined, preferring not to come in on a project that was already underway.

Although the precise nature of its original conception is still hotly debated, several key features of Smile are generally acknowledged. Both musically and lyrically, Wilson and Parks intended Smile to be explicitly American in style and subject, a direct reaction to the British dominance of popular music at the time. It was supposedly conceived as a musical journey across America from east to west, beginning at Plymouth Rock and ending in Hawaii, as well as traversing some of the great themes of American history and culture, including the impact of white settlement on native Americans, the influence of the Spanish, the Wild West, and the opening up of the country by railroad and motorway.

As the name implies, humour was a key ingredient, and the Smile songs are replete with wordplay, puns and multiple meanings. A good example is "Vega-Tables," which includes the lines "I'm gonna do well, my vegetables, cart off and sell my vegetables"— the phrase "...cart off and..." is a clever bilingual pun on the word Kartoffeln, which is German for potatoes. At one stage Wilson apparently toyed with the idea of expanding Smile to include an additional "humour" record, and a number of recordings were made in this vein, although they were apparently not successful, so the idea was dropped. One of the possible remnants of this aspect of the project is the track "She's Goin' Bald," which was recorded after the main SMiLE sessions and included on Smiley Smile (the original Smile track circulated amongst bootleggers is sometimes titled "He Gives Speeches").

Wilson is known to have been deeply influenced by the music of George Gershwin at an early age (especially "Rhapsody in Blue"), and Smile contains echoes of Gershwin's emphatic American-ness, and the episodic and programmatic characteristics of the composer's works. A short scene featuring Brian at the piano in the recent documentary on the making of Smile suggests that Brian may have directly based the main riff of "Heroes and Villains" on a variation or inversion of a fragment of "Rhapsody in Blue."

Smile also drew heavily on American popular music of the past; Wilson's innovative original compositions were interwoven with snippets of significant songs of yesteryear, including "The Old Master Painter" (made famous by Peggy Lee), the perennial "You Are My Sunshine," Johnny Mercer's jazz standard "I Wanna Be Around" (recorded by Tony Bennett) and the song "Gee" by noted '50s doo-wop group The Crows, as well as quotations from other pop-culture reference points, such as the Woody Woodpecker theme.

Smile's cut-up structure was certainly unique for its time in mainstream popular music, and it indicates that Brian was familiar with the techniques of musique concrète and the use of chance operations in making art—an approach which, according to musicologist Ian MacDonald, was also exerting a strong influence on the Beatles at this time.

Wilson's experiments with LSD were undoubtedly a significant influence on the texture and structure of the work, and one of the strongest intellectual influences on his thinking at this time was his friend Loren Schwartz, who is said to have introduced Brian to both marijuana and LSD.

Writer Bill Tobelman suggests that Smile is filled with coded references to Brian's life and his recent LSD experiences (a Lake Arrowhead, CA trip being the most notable), and that it was heavily influenced by his interest in Zen philosophy—especially the way that Zen teaching uses absurd humour and the paradoxical riddle, the koan, to liberate the mind from preconceptions—and that Smile as a whole can be interpreted as an extended Zen koan. Tobelman notes that Wilson's autobiography recounts an acid flashback which Wilson interprets as a Zen riddle, and suggests that this experience largely serves as a template for Smile.

[edit] Studio techniques

Brian Wilson developed his "classic" production method over several years, bringing it to a high degree of perfection with the recording of Pet Sounds during 1965 and 1966. With "Good Vibrations" Wilson began to experiment with radical editing of his work. Now, instead of taping each backing track as a complete performance, as had been the case for all prior Beach Boys recordings, he began to break the arrangements into sections, recording multiple 'takes' of each section. He also recorded the same section at several different studios, to exploit the unique sonic characteristics or special effects available in each. He would then edit these different segments together to create a composite whole that combined the best features of production and performance.

Wilson extended this "modular" approach for the songs on Smile. Working mainly at Gold Star Studios in Los Angeles (Phil Spector's favorite studio), Wilson began a long and complex series of sessions in late 1966 that continued until early 1967. He also frequently used Sunset Sound Studios and United Western Recorders on Sunset Boulevard, and Capitol's own renowned in-house studio.

Much of Smile was recorded in this piecemeal manner; each of the finished tracks is a heavily-edited composite recording and many of the unreleased Smile fragments are alternate versions of backing tracks, alternate sections of these tracks, or passages intended to provide transitions between tracks.

In spite of the availability of stereo recording, Wilson always made his final mixes in mono (as did rival producer Spector). He did so for several reasons—he personally felt that mono mixing provided more sonic control over what the listener heard, minimising the vagaries of speaker placement and sound system quality. It was also motivated by the knowledge that pop radio broadcast in mono, and most domestic and car radios and record players were monophonic. Another, more personal reason for Wilson's preference was that he is deaf in one ear.

[edit] The Recordings

Recording for the new LP began in August 1966 and the project had been officially named Smile. Sessions for the new album began in earnest, and continued until mid-December.

In early December Capitol Records was given a handwritten list of twelve tracks planned for Smile, for use on the LP back cover. This list was long considered crucial evidence of Wilson's intentions for the piece, but, since the track listing (as printed) carried the standard advisory "see label for correct playing order", it can only be taken as confirming Brian's apparent choice of songs at that time, and not their exact sequence. However, in 2006 it was realised that the handwriting on the list was not Brian's: furthermore, when shown a copy of the list, Brian himself stated that he'd never seen it before. A comparison of the handwriting indicates that it may have been written by Carl Wilson, or possibly Diane Rovell.

Capitol began production on a lavish gatefold cover with a 12-page booklet. Cover artwork was commissioned from Frank Holmes, a friend of Van Dyke Parks, and colour photographs of the group were taken by Guy Webster. 466,000 covers and 419,000 booklets were printed by early January; promotional materials were sent to record distributors and dealers and ads were placed in Billboard and teenage magazines including Teen Set.

Some time in December, Brian informed Capitol that Smile would not be ready that month, but he advised that he would deliver it "prior to 15 January". Wilson's conception of the work evidently changed around this time, possibly as a result of pressure from within the band. Early in 1967 work was halted on all the Smile tracks except for "Heroes and Villains" and "Vega-Tables".

[edit] "Heroes and Villains"

Main article: Heroes and Villains

Capitol records scheduled 13 January 1967 as the release date for the next single, "Heroes and Villains".

Although renowned for his efficiency in the studio, Brian clearly struggled for several months to complete "Heroes and Villains", but despite more than twenty sessions between October 1966 and March 1967, he was unable to complete it to his satisfaction.

"Heroes & Villains" was a semi-autobiographical piece couched as a Wild West fantasy and featured some of Parks's most intriguing lyrics. It is arguably the keystone for the musical structure of almost all the songs on the album, and like "Good Vibrations" it was edited together from several discrete sections.

Like most of the Smile songs, "Heroes and Villains" is based around a deceptively simple three-chord pattern. It encapsulates Wilson's musical approach for the project, which was to create songs that were (for the most part) structurally very simple but which were overlaid with extremely complex and often highly chromatic vocal and instrumental arrangements, and capped by Parks' remarkable lyrics.

The considerable time and effort that Wilson devoted to "Heroes and Villains" is indicative of its importance, both as a single and as part of Smile—sessions for the various versions and sections extended over more than a year, from May 1966 to July 1967. It now appears that the song underwent many changes during its production and that several important elements, including the so-called "Cantina scene" and the segment commonly known as "Bicycle Rider" were taken out of the finished single and album versions, although they were included in other unreleased mixes. A single version of the song was released in mid-1967, but rumours persist of a far longer edit, and it is known that several alternate versions were put together. Both Brian Wilson and The Beach Boys frequently included "Bicycle Rider" when performing the song in concert.

[edit] "Surf's Up"

Main article: Surf's Up (song)

"Surf's Up" was written in a single night. It was certainly fully composed by November 1966, when Brian Wilson was filmed performing the song on piano for a CBS News special on popular music, hosted by Leonard Bernstein. An apparently complete backing track for the first (2:20) section was recorded and mixed in November 1966, but vocals and other overdubs were still to be added, and work on the middle and closing sections was either never undertaken, or never finished. It is notable that the flourishes played on muted trumpet in the verses of "Surf's Up" are almost identical to the familiar 'laughing' refrain of the theme for the cartoon series Woody Woodpecker. This musical reference recurs in the instrumental piece "Fall Breaks And Back To Winter" on the album Smiley Smile, (which was in fact subtitled "Woody Woodpecker Symphony").

A full-length version of "Surf's Up" was eventually assembled by Carl Wilson and released on the 1971 Surf's Up LP.

[edit] The project collapses

According to most sources, Brian Wilson began to encounter serious problems with Smile around late November 1966. He was by then beginning to exhibit early signs of depression and paranoia and it is reported that, during the recording session for the "Fire" section of the "Elements Suite" at Gold Star Studios on 28 November, he became irrationally concerned that the music was responsible for starting several fires in the neighborhood of the studio.

For many years it was rumored that Wilson had tried to burn the tapes of this session, but this is not true, although he did abandon the "Fire" piece for good. No recording of anything but the introduction to the original "Fire" tapes has been released, nor is it likely to be. It has also been noted in several accounts that Parks deliberately stayed away from the session (during which Wilson encouraged the musicians to wear toy firemen's hats) and that he later described Wilson's behavior as "regressive".

Wilson's mental deterioration and eventual breakdown was the result of a complex web of causes. As Beach Boys chronicler Timothy White has noted, Brian Wilson came from a troubled family background; there was a family history of mental illness, including suicide. Brian's father Murry, although never formally diagnosed, showed unmistakable signs of bipolar disorder. In interviews, including one filmed for the Don Was-directed documentary, I Just Wasn't Made for These Times, Brian recalls beatings by his father, suggesting also the possibility that Brian suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

There had been other signs of his growing problems, but these were more or less unheeded at the time. Wilson had been forced to withdraw from touring in December 1964 after suffering a terrifying anxiety attack during an airline flight. In October 1966, after flying to Michigan to rehearse with The Beach Boys for their first stage performance of "Good Vibrations", he suffered another panic attack on the return flight and was only placated by having had the flight crew radio ahead to Los Angeles to arrange a welcoming committee.

It has been routinely suggested that Wilson aggravated his preexisting problems by smoking large amounts of marijuana and hashish during the Smile period, as well as using amphetamines and had experimented during Summer Days' sessions with the powerful hallucinogen LSD. In the recent SMiLE documentary, Wilson speaks frankly about his drug use and reveals that he was also using barbiturates in addition to the other drugs he was taking. However, several of those interviewed for the documentary emphatically deny that Wilson's dope-smoking and LSD use either interfered with his work or contributed to his breakdown, and it is worth noting that the putative role of cannabis as a contributing factor to mental illness is still hotly debated.

In December, Brian was deeply troubled by a viewing of the surreal and disturbing John Frankenheimer film thriller Seconds, starring Rock Hudson. In his increasingly vulnerable and confused state, Brian convinced himself that the film's opening line "Good morning, Mr. Wilson"—and indeed in most of the film's content—somehow referred to him. He also reportedly became obsessed by the notion that his rival/mentor Phil Spector was somehow trying to control, dominate or even kill him.

While some of Brian's paranoia was internally derived, it is important to note that there were some genuine bases for his fears — his father had hired a private detective to investigate Brian and his friends, and recent revelations about government files on music and film celebrities revealed that the Beach Boys (among many other groups) were attracting the attention of the FBI, as Frank Zappa was openly alleging at the time.

As well as Brian's mental problems, there were many other business and legal worries surrounding the Beach Boys during the recording of Smile. These included Carl Wilson's call-up notice for the draft (which he was to fight as a conscientious objector), and the group's contractual disputes with Capitol over royalty payments, as well as their attempt to terminate their contract (a legacy of Murry's management) and establish their own label, Brother Records. Although usually overlooked, another and even more personal pressure was that, in addition to his musical roles, Brian was also relatively newly married (less than two years).

Amidst his increasingly erratic behavior and his escalating use of drugs, Brian Wilson's condition began to become a concern for his friends, colleagues and family. Yet, although stories of his sometimes bizarre behavior have now become the stuff of legend, his session musicians have often stated that they never saw Wilson behave in the studio with anything less than total professionalism.

Creatively speaking, Wilson was in a uniquely vulnerable position compared to his major commercial rivals, and there is no doubt that he was under considerable pressure to "deliver the goods" and compete with his musical 'rivals' The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan all of whom, especially The Beatles and Dylan, were at their creative peak at the time.

The growing conflict within the Beach Boys about Smile, which reached a peak during December 1966, was arguably the single most significant reason why Smile was repeatedly postponed and finally scrapped. The 6 December 1966 session for "Cabinessence" was apparently the scene of a famous argument about the song's lyrics between Van Dyke Parks and Mike Love, and the situation evidently worsened during the 15 December vocal sessions for "Surf's Up" and "Wonderful". The band was filmed by CBS during this session which, according to Jules Siegel, went "very badly". Later the same day, Wilson recorded his now-legendary solo piano demo of "Surf's Up". Although there were more Smile sessions (on 23 December, 9 January and 23 January) work on the major tracks effectively stopped after 15 December.

In retrospect, the major source of conflict was undoubtedly the increasing antagonism between Mike Love and the Wilson/Parks partnership, although Bruce Johnston has also indicated in a web forum discussion that there was wider opposition to the project, naming both Capitol Records and Wilson's father Murry.

Love had written lyrics for many of the Beach Boys songs prior to Pet Sounds, so it is not surprising that he would have been resentful of Parks' role as Brian's new writing partner; he was probably also concerned about the consequent loss of income from royalties. He is also on record as saying that he was fearful that the band risked losing their audience if they tinkered with their proven hit formula. In a recent interview in Mojo magazine, Love stated that he was suspicious of the new friends with whom Brian was associating, and that his opposition to these people -- whom he regarded as hangers-on who were exploiting Brian and supplying him with 'hard' drugs -- was another major source of conflict. Love has suggested that some of those who have since been critical of him did so because he had told them to "take a hike". On a more practical level, it is also likely that Love had genuine reasons to worry that Wilson's new music was simply too complex for the group to be able to perform live.

In the same interview, Love denied disliking Pet Sounds and also claimed that he liked the Smile music and only disliked the lyrics. However, this is strongly contradicted by several other participants, most notably Van Dyke Parks himself. Responding to Love's claims in a letter to the Mojo editor, Parks was strongly critical of Love's comments, which he described as "revisionism", and he was unequivocal in naming Love's dislike of "Smile" as one of the major factors in the collapse of the project. On the DVD that accompanied the 2004 SMiLE release, Brian himself made it quite clear that Love's antagonism to the project was the major deciding factors in the cancellation of the album, saying: "The reasons that I didn't release SMiLE: One, Mike didn't like it..."

Wilson continued to work on "Heroes & Villains" and other cuts including "Do You Like Worms" and "Vega-Tables", as well as taping numerous musical fragments that were probably intended to serve as links between the main songs. Through the first half of 1967 the album's release date was repeatedly postponed as Wilson tinkered with the recordings, experimenting with different takes and mixes, unable or unwilling to supply a completed version of the album.

Another significant factor, cited in the Smile documentary, was Brian's first hearing of The Beatles' new single Strawberry Fields Forever. He heard the song while driving his car and was so struck by it that he had to pull over and listen; he then commented to his companion that The Beatles had "got there first". Although he apparently then laughed about the comment, the stunning new Beatles production apparently affected him deeply. The final, irrevocable blow came in early March 1967 when, after gradually distancing himself from Wilson and the group, Van Dyke Parks finally quit the project.

Capitol evidently still hoped right up to the last that Smile might eventually appear, but on 6 May, only a few weeks before the release of The Beatles' groundbreaking Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, The Beach Boys' press officer, Derek Taylor ruefully announced to the British press that the Smile project had been shelved and that the album would not be released.

[edit] From famous to infamous

Following the stillbirth of Smile, and the release of the anti-climatic and patched-together Smiley Smile that September, Brian Wilson retreated from the public eye, increasingly hampered by drug and mental health problems, but his legend grew and the Smile period came to be seen as the pivotal episode in his decline; Wilson would become tagged as one of the classic celebrity drug casualties of the rock era.

By the beginning of the 1990s, Smile had earned its place as the most infamous unreleased album in the rock era and become a focal point for bootleg album makers and collectors. In 1993, fans were treated to a goldmine of archival SMiLE material included on the 5CD boxed set Good Vibrations - 30 Years of the Beach Boys. The second disc of the set included almost thirty minutes of original SMiLE recordings including versions of "Our Prayer", "Wonderful", "Cabinessence", "Wind Chimes", "Do You Like Worms", "Vegetables", "I Love to Say Da-Da", an alternate version of "Heroes and Villains" and numerous linking segments built around the Heroes and Villains theme, and Brian's fabled demo recording of "Surf's Up", which Elvis Costello famously compared to discovering an original recording of Mozart in performance.

These recordings, sequenced by David Leaf made it clear that SMiLE had been much closer to completion than had previously been thought and this prompted much excitement by fans over what additional songs might exist, and debate about how the songs fitted into the Smile running order. There was hope that the box set would be followed by an official Smile release, but this didn't materialise.

Beginning in the late 1990s, various 'fan mixes' of Smile created from bootlegs and previous recordings were created (see below), and many were posted on the internet as free downloads. Of these the most popular included Ryan's SMiLE site (downloads since removed), Anne Wallace's Web Sounds (no longer active) and The Smile Shop (site since changed). Once news of the new album arrived, these sites were contacted by the record label and asked to stop distributing these songs. Fan mixes of the 1960s material have since receded from the web.

Had Smile been released as originally conceived, it might have been a dismal failure or it might have stood alongside Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and Bob Dylan's Blonde on Blonde as a landmark album that marked a turning point in rock history; but in its absence an almost magical aura grew up around the project and its legendary status was only heightened by Brian Wilson's tragic personal disintegration.

[edit] SMiLE Resurrected

Brian Wilson would eventually revisit and complete SMiLE with a backup group in 2004, 37 years after its conception, first in a series of concerts, then as a solo album that won a Grammy award.

As good as the finally-completed album was, it was also to some fans an anti-climax, in that it so resembled the bootleg copies that had been circulating for years, and contained little that had not already been heard on the bootlegs of the album.

[edit] The songs that might have been

Based upon a handwritten note given to Capitol Records in December 1966.

This is based on a note given to Capitol in order for the track titles to be included on the album cover, however, the original cover states "see record for running order". All the evidence, including interviews with Brian himself, state that a final definitive running order was never decided upon until the release of the 2004 SMiLE.

iTunes released a version of Smile comprised of the original sessions in 2006.

[edit] Further reading

One of the principal sources of original information on Smile, and the basis for much of its legendary status, was Jules Siegel's article "Goodbye Surfing, Hello God!" which appeared in the first issue of Cheetah Magazine in October 1967. Almost equally influential was Domenic Priore's 1987 book Look, Listen, Vibrate, Smile.

In Lewis Shiner's novel Glimpses, the time-traveling protagonist meets and befriends Brian Wilson, and encourages Wilson to complete Smile over the objections of his bandmates. Glimpses won the 1994 World Fantasy Award for Best Novel.

[edit] External links

The Beach Boys
Brian Wilson | Carl Wilson | Dennis Wilson | Mike Love | Al Jardine | Bruce Johnston
Studio albums
Surfin' Safari (1962) | Surfin' USA (1963) | Surfer Girl (1963) | Little Deuce Coupe (1963) | Shut Down Volume 2 (1964) | All Summer Long (1964) | The Beach Boys' Christmas Album (1964) | The Beach Boys Today! (1965) | Summer Days (And Summer Nights!!) (1965) | Beach Boys' Party! (1965) | Pet Sounds (1966) | Smiley Smile (1967) | Wild Honey (1967) | Friends (1968) | 20/20 (1969) | Sunflower (1970) | Surf's Up (1971) | Carl and the Passions - "So Tough" (1972) | Holland (1973) | 15 Big Ones (1976) | Love You (1977) | M.I.U. Album (1978) | L.A. (Light Album) (1979) | Keepin' the Summer Alive (1980) | The Beach Boys (1985) | Still Cruisin' (1989) | Summer in Paradise (1992) | Stars and Stripes Vol. 1 (1996)
Live albums
Beach Boys Concert (1964) | Live in London (1970) | The Beach Boys in Concert (1973) | Good Timin': Live at Knebworth England 1980 (2002)
Related articles
Song List | Lead Vocalists | Capitol Records | Brother Records | Sea of Tunes | Discography | Solo Discography
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