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The Slizers was a line of Lego toys released in 1999 similar to Bionicle. They were known as Throwbots in the United States but were called Slizers in Europe. The name Throwbots refers to the unique disk-throwing function the toys had. Eight of them were released characters.


[edit] Dual Stories

Two variations of the storyline existed; American and European, each with different names for the characters and settings. In the 'Multiple Planets' Storyline, the Slizers had Eight respective planets where each of the eight dwelled respectively. The Eighth planet- Judge Slizer's- served as the point where they dueled or disputes were settled. Each of them battled the native mutant wildlife or other threats native to their planet. It is debated that from this story will diverge into the following 'Singular Planet' Storyline.

The 'Singular Planet' storyline was that there were Eight robots fighting a war against each other on One Planet split into Seven even continents/ regions- with the Slizer Dome situated at the North Pole. In this storyline, some have gone to some lengths to say that there were two sides- Four were 'Good' (Fire, Ice, City & Sub), and the other four were 'Evil' (Judge, Jungle, Rock & Energy). The concept of facing their respective natural threats in their zones were present, with the inclusion that each of them was trying to find an additional mineral, fuel or other item to make themselves stronger.

In either storyline, all the characters/ both sides were evenly matched. The story reached a climax when a Meteor struck the Slizer Planet and blew apart half the planet; annihilating the Energy, Rock, Jungle Regions and heavily damaging the Slizer Dome; where the Judge Slizer resided. Missing; presumed dead- The Four remaining Slizers were confronted with Four new ones- dubbed 'Mutants'. In the aftermath of the Meteor, The Four new Slizers; Spark, Flare, Blaster- and what seems like their Leader- Millennium Slizer- invaded the Fire and City regions of the Slizer Planet- claiming ground while the Four original Slizers defend their territory.

The 2000 Slizer story was never explained properly, which left dedicated fans with many unanswered questions. This was because the toy line was ended with the sudden release of the LEGO Technic Roboriders toyline in December 1999. Soon after- the Bionicle toyline was released.

The basics of the second wave storyline and the actual toys themselves can be used to fill in most of the holes. The Millennium Slizer is stated to have been within the Meteor that hit Planet Slizer at the dawn of the 21st century. However, it was never stated what and where the Millennium Slizer originated from.

[edit] Characters

[edit] Fire Slizer

Known as Torch in certain continuities. The Fire Slizer resides in the Fire Region and fights off lava monsters. He searches eternally for rare diamonds to upgrade his flamethrower. He is equipped with a throwing disk. In the Faction storyline, he plays the leader of the protagonists. His design is a bit awkward as his arms are at the top and the head and legs are on the bottom giving him a hunched, brawling look. He is among the four who survived the Millennium Meteor's impact. He is the ancestor of the element of fire in [[BIONICLE|Bionicl

[edit] Ice Slizer

Ice Slizer, also known as Ski Slizer, inhabits and patrols the frozen wasteland between the City Sprawl and the Ocean Region. Beside his primary disk thrower, his secondary weapon is a ski-pole, which may fire energy attacks. He concerns himself with whatever creatures lurk in the region before the Meteor impact. Ancestor of the element of ice in Bionicle

[edit] City Slizer

This Slizer is also known as Turbo Slizer and he resides in the City Region. His design is unique among the Slizer, designed as a singlehanded car with a throwing arm on the right side of the body. He quests for a special fuel that will allow him to achieve blinding speeds, in addition to slaying Mutant Vehicles. He survived the meteor strike.

[edit] Sub Slizer

This Slizer is also know as Aqua/Scuba Slizer and resides underwater in the Ocean Region. His secondary weapon is an energy harpoon. His design is based off a deep-sea diver, featuring a breathing apparatus and a propeller on his back. He occupied himself with the accumulation of rare pearls before the meteor struck. Although all water-element Bionicle characters are female, Scuba is credited with their lineage.

[edit] Jungle Slizer

Also known as Amazon Slizer. This Slizer resided in a rugged region of swamps, foliage and rivers. His design is humanoid, but he wears a feral mask reminiscent of a jungle cat. His secondary weapon is a green katana, presumably repurposed as a jungle machete. He is believed to have died in the meteor explosion. Despite their similar colorations, Amazon is not the ancestor of any Bionicle; green residents of Mata Nui represent the air element, while Jungle represents the woodlands.

[edit] Judge Slizer

This Slizer went by the name of Jet in America, although his faceplate bore the name Judge. He resided at the Slizer Dome at the planet's pole. He has two throwing-arms instead of a secondary weapon. He is unique among Slizer as he is capable of flight with two wings mounted with propellers. A simple gear system flaps the wings when his head is pulled, identical to the Nui-Rama. He is the leader of the evil faction in some storylines. He is believed to have died when the meteor blew apart most of his Slizer Dome.

[edit] Rock Slizer

Also known as Granite Slizer. He resided in the mountainous region of the planet. His design is that of an insect. His secondary weapons are his pick axes located on his shoulders which can pivot to attack. His throwing arm is unusually mounted on his back, making accurate throws impossible. He is able to fire energy bolts from his disk launcher and his pickaxes. His region was blown apart by the Meteor Impact. He is the ancestor of the earth-element Bionicle.

[edit] Energy Slizer

Also known as Electro Slizer, this slizer is also designed as a quadruped insect. He resides in the volatile Energy region. He is the only one not to have a secondary weapon, but instead he releases electrical bursts from his body. He is believed destroyed when his region was annihilated.

[edit] Blaster Slizer

This menacing Slizer is the leader of the evil robots that emerged from the meteor ruins. He resides in either the City Region or the ruins of the Slizer Dome. He wields a blast shield capable of firing bursts in his left hand and his right hand is a double throwing arm. His colors are yellow and black, similar to the former Judge Slizer, making it conceivable that the Judge Slizer was fused with other Slizer consumed by the meteor. Contrary evidence can be found on the picture of his throwing disk, which features Blaster navigating rugged terrain flanked by similarly colored and designed Slizer. However, these companions were never released as sets and the mystery still stands.

[edit] Millennium Slizer

This Slizer is unique since he has two builds, one of them is a tiny Slizer riding a huge motorcycle while the other is a large Slizer nearly the same size as Blaster Slizer. He appeared after the Meteor impact along with the other three 'Mutants'. His origins are unclear. His design is a landmark in Technic robots as his armor-plated bulk and articulated compound joints became a mainstay in larger figures.

[edit] Spark Slizer

The Spark Slizer descended upon the City Region in the aftermath of the Meteor. His secondary weapon seems like a twin barrelled weapon which can fire energy blast and doubles as a shield. Fan Theories speculate that this is Energy/ Rock Slizer reborn.

[edit] Flare Slizer

Flare Slizer is the strangest of all because his design is that of an amalgamation of Ice, Fire, and Energy. He has skis, (landing skids)wings and flight, (Energy Slizer)and a Natural affinity for Fire- (He has descended upon the Fire Region) His throwing arm balances by acting as a tail. Again, Fan Theories speculate that this is either Energy/ Rock Slizer reborn.

[edit] Products

  • 8500 Torch/Fire Slizer
  • 8501 Ski/Ice Slizer
  • 8502 Turbo/City Slizer
  • 8503 Scuba/Sub Slizer
  • 8504 Jet/Judge Slizer
  • 8505 Amazon/Jungle Slizer
  • 8506 Granite/Rock Slizer
  • 8507 Electro/Energy Slizer
  • 8520 Millennium/Millennia
  • 8521 Flare/Flare Slizer
  • 8522 Spark/Spark Slizer
  • 8523 Blaster/Blaster Slizer
  • 1061 Slizers Disk
  • 8508 Supplementary discs

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