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[edit] AstrologicalSignKeywords

  • Aries -- "I want," action oriented, pioneering, assertive, "me" first, enthusiasm, leader, competitive, selfish, head/brain
  • Taurus -- "I have," sensual, cautious, acquisitive, musical, traditional, stubborn, throat/neck
  • Gemini -- "I think," curious, talkative, sociable, duality, mercurial, whimsical, intelligent, superficial, hands/arms
  • Cancer -- "I feel," sensitive, tenacious, family and home oriented, helpful, nurturing, moody, stomach/breasts
  • Leo -- "I am," passionate, dramatic, independent, noble, creative, leader, egotistical, heart/back
  • Virgo -- "I serve," practical, work and service oriented, critical, common sense, intelligent, health conscious, fussy, intestines/digestion
  • Libra -- "We are," partnerships, balance, grace, charm, cooperative, social, ideas, lazy, kidneys/lumbar
  • Scorpio -- "I desire," intense, controlling, sexual, compulsive, deep, secretive, mysterious, obsessive, genitals
  • Sagittarius -- "I seek," philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering, wanderlust, scattered, hips/thighs
  • Capricorn -- "I build," ambitious, cautious, authoritative, cunning, competent, stable, saturnine, knees/skeleton
  • Aquarius -- "I know," friendships, cause-oriented, the group, society, progressive, eccentric, aloof, calves/ankles
  • Pisces -- "I believe," feeling, duality, spirituality, soul growth, suffering, artistic, overly emotional, feet


[edit] SevenLiberalArtsAndAstrology


In medieval Europe, a university education was divided into seven distinct areas, each represented by a particular planet and known as the Seven Liberal Arts. They were seen as operating in ascending order, beginning with Grammar which was assigned to the quickest moving celestial body (the Moon) and culminating in Astronomia which was thought to be astrologically ruled by Saturn, the slowest moving and furthest out planet known at the time. After this sequence wisdom was supposed to have been achieved by the medieval university student.


[edit] AstrologyAndAlchemy


Alchemy in the Western World and other locations where it was widely practiced was (and in many cases still is) closely allied and intertwined with traditional Babylonian-Greek style astrology; in numerous ways they were built to complement each other in the search for hidden knowledge. Traditionally, each of the seven planets in the solar system as known to the ancients was associated with, held dominion over, and ruled a certain metal.

The list of rulership is as follows:

Some modern alchemists/astrologers obviously associate:

As these planets were not discovered until relatively recently, there is no classical or traditional basis for these associations as there is for the ancient planets and metals.

As Isaac Newton was indisputably a well known alchemist of his time period, and astrology and alchemy were (and in some cases still are) so closely linked, it is very plausible that Newton had a very good working knowledge of astrology, or at the very least a basic understanding of astrological methodology as it was related to alchemy. Logically then, one would certainly have to know a good bit about astrology in order to use alchemy effectively, and Newton along with other prominent alchemists definitely knew this. For more informations see Isaac Newton's occult studies.


[edit] NumerologyAndAstrology


Some astrologers believe that each number from 0 to 9 is ruled by a celestial body in our solar system -- the layout below is the most widely accepted system amongst modern astrologers but there are other conflicting systems as well.

  • Zero is ruled by the planet Pluto, which gives it many transforming and regenerating qualities. It has a lot of depth and intensity, which makes it a abstruse number indeed.
  • Two is ruled by the Moon and the astrological aspect of the opposition, which means this number is very co-operative, emotive, and has a great deal of feeling. This number is associated with relationships in general.
  • Three is ruled by Jupiter and the astrological aspect of the trine, and is educated, wise, and happy. The acquistion or expenditure of money often features prominently in the number. There is usually a free flow of engery associated with this number, which indicates that both good and bad come easily to this number. This number is the major benefic, so is considered lucky to many. Money will come and go easily when three is significant.
  • Four is ruled by Mars and the astrological aspect of the square. It is forceful and dominating in an attempt to control the tension that is inherent in this number. It also has a great deal of stability and is therefore a good number when attempting to build foundations. When four is prominent, quite often people will need to overcome obstacles before they will be able to reach their highest potential.
  • Five is ruled by the planet Mercury and the astrological aspect of the quincunx. It is very communicative and witty on a light level. Because this number deals with the concept of communication, on a negative level deception can also be involved, so it is always best to double check for the facts. Sometimes an individual must make adjustments in order to fit in when this number is significant.
  • Six is ruled by the planet Venus and the astrological aspect of the sextile. It is a pleasant, harmonious number that governs the arts and music. Tact and diplomacy figure prominently with this number, so relationships will be of paramont importance. Six is a minor benefic, so money will play an imporant role when this number is significant. There will be a free flow of energy, which will enable many opportunities for success to come to the individuals who this number has touched.
  • Seven is ruled by the planet Neptune. It is a very spiritual number that is not limited by the constraints of the physical world. This is the number of mystics, visionaries, and seers. Because this number is associated with idealism, depression can easily manifest itself when our expectations of others and our goals are not met. This number as many surreal, or unreal, qualities to it.
  • Eight is ruled by the planet Saturn. It is a solid and very stable number that has many limitations that must be transcended. Those individuals who have this number prominent in their life usually must learn by experience. They quite often have many harsh lessons to learn, which are quite often the result of a karmic debt they must repay before they can progress unto their next level of spiritual evolution.
  • Nine is ruled by the planet Uranus. It is very eccentric and unusual in nature. Where this number is prominent invention and ingenuity are very important elements to any given situation.

While different from the actual planets themselves, each astrological sign has also long been associated with a particular number, beginning with Aries which has always been the 1st sign of the Zodiac and ending with Pisces which has always been the 12th and final astrological sign of the Natural Zodiac. This layout is as follows:

  • 1 -- Aries - (Cardinal Fire)
  • 5 -- Leo - (Fixed Fire)
  • 6 -- Virgo - (Mutable Earth)

See also: Astrology, Classical elements, Numerology


[edit] AstrologyAndClassicalElements


Astrology has used the concept of classical elements from antiquity up until the present. Most modern astrologers use the four classical elements extensively, and indeed it is still viewed as a critical part of interpreting the astrological chart. The elemental rulerships for the twelve astrological signs of the zodiac are as follows:

The elemental rulerships for the twelve astrological signs of the zodiac (according to Marcus Manilius) are as follows:

In Western tropical astrology, there are always 12 astrological signs; thus, each element is associated with 3 signs of the Zodiac which are always located exactly 120 degrees away from each other along the ecliptic and said to be in trine with one another.

Beginning with Aries the first sign which is a Fire sign, the next in line Taurus is Earth, then to Gemini which is Air, and finally to Cancer which is Water -- in Western astrology the sequence is always Fire, Earth, Air, & Water in that exact order. This cycle continues on twice more and ends with the twelfth and final astrological sign, Pisces. The following list should allow one to visualize this cycle better:

  • 1 -- Aries - (Cardinal Fire): assertively, impulsively, selfishly.
  • 2 -- Taurus - (Fixed Earth): resourcefully, thoroughly, indulgently.
  • 3 -- Gemini - (Mutable Air): logically, inquisitively, superficially.
  • 4 -- Cancer - (Cardinal Water): tenaciously, sensitively, clingingly.
  • 5 -- Leo - (Fixed Fire): generously, proudly, theatrically.
  • 6 -- Virgo - (Mutable Earth): practically, efficiently, critically.
  • 7 -- Libra - (Cardinal Air): co-operatively, fairly, lazily.
  • 8 -- Scorpio - (Fixed Water): passionately, sensitively, anxiously.
  • 9 -- Sagittarius - (Mutable Fire): freely, straightforwardly, carelessly.
  • 10 -- Capricorn - (Cardinal Earth): prudently, cautiously, suspiciously.
  • 11 -- Aquarius - (Fixed Air): democratically, unconventionally, detachedly.
  • 12 -- Pisces - (Mutable Water): imaginatively, sensitively, distractedly.